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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

What happens when technology replaces people

Just Another Thought...

Praises and accolades to the newest and greatest gadgets of the 21st century. We now have ever shrinking computer and processors and cameras. But, what might be coming next is the real question. How small is too small? How fast is too fast? How creative is too far?

In the beginning of the march to advanced technology, a computer filled an entire office floor with dozens of technical minds operating and managing it. Today, a laptop can do just as much calculating and computing. Thousands of people put their minds to work on ways to reduce the size and increase the processing speeds of the old gigantic systems. Universities dedicated entire departments, with deans included, to the objective of making computers and computing faster, smaller and better, and they succeeded.

However, within their success were the seeds of their own demise. The creation of the internet served to link universities, research labs and field researchers together into one system. Sharing and comparing data and findings is now the norm – with very little human intervention. Man has advanced himself into a position of increasing irrelevance through the advances of technology.

Spread sheet once requiring a team of bookkeepers and accountants can now be prepared and managed by one or two individuals. Is this advancement in man’s best interest? Maybe, maybe not because fewer workers needed for a certain type of work forces retraining, but puts the control of that technology and data in fewer and fewer hands. This forces retraining on an ever increasing scale.

Factories once requiring hundreds and thousands for the production of a single or line of products can now be done by a computer operator, technician and an army of non-human robot machines. Who wins in this arrangement? The companies that once employed human workers force more and more people into retraining.

Where does it end?

Human workers become less valuable and more of a liability to companies. Meanwhile, government regulations restrict and control the introduction of newer and different technologies into the market place. New technologies that may be better and more human friendly than the current batch are stifled for the benefit of the established status quo. This is not good business, but does limit and control entrepreneurs and new business startups.

In the end, one man, the poor one, becomes the slave to the rich and powerful one. Through the use of technology developed by colleges and universities, powerful individuals and entities can control the production of goods, foods and availability of services to the masses. If a certain group refused to “go along to get along”, services such as sewer and water can be decreased or shut off from thousands of miles away, forcing cooperation and capitulation of those in opposition. Simply put the mass of humanity has enslaved itself through technology controlled by a very few. 

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

President Obama is not Working in America's Best Interest

Just Another Thought...

What will it take for the President of the United states to act like he is leader of a modern industrialized country?

This question is being asked by millions of people around the world. With crisis revolution in the Middle East, earth quakes around the world, other natural and UN-natural disasters; what is Obama thinking? Who cares about his picks for the final 4? The civilized is under attack by the uncivilized - radicalized, opposition.

He does not confront problems in the manner of a leader, rather as a puppet. Are the puppet masters pulling his strings for the benefit of America or for the benefit of the global elitist? This question is important because of the plunging reputation and respect towards the formerly "Great USA".

The American people are the laughing stock of the world. America is the big joke because we elected one of the most unqualified men in America to be President of the United States. Those responsible for vetting candidates, did nothing to inform America of the true Obama. They did nothing to reveal his radical Muslim doctrine. And, they did all they could to hide, disguise and discredit anyone desiring to expose the true nakedness of Barrack Hussein Obama. Are they betting on the down fall of a once powerful America?

A top shelf Presidential response has been hard, if not impossible to find. If there is any doubt, go to http://news.yahoo.com/ and read his supportive responses for yourself. What Obama and Sec. of State Clinton have to say sounds like "the idiots in the basements" of academia. Chatter, chatter, And more chatter, but nothing said of value. They are worthless to the good name of America and totally supportive to anything UN-American. Who are they and the majority of the Democrat Party working for? Someone other than the USA.