President Obama is now in debates with Republicans over the debt ceiling and all of D.C. is in a tizzy. That’s kind of funny, didn’t he and all the democrats just cry wolf until they got over a trillion dollar stimulus package, spend it, and drive up unemployment to near, 10%?
It is again clear Democrats love to spend “other people’s money”, particularly when buying votes from the largest sector of the country, the poor. Promoting the illusion of a slowly growing economy requires massive amounts of money.
If “Conservative” Republicans stand in the way of an even larger national debt, this may cost Democrats seats in the next election. This is one of the reasons why President Obama is not listening to the people scream, “No More Money For You!”
Obama has made his position of arrogance clear during negotiations and a confrontation with Eric Cantor.
“The following paraphrased account of what President Obama said next is cobbled together from Democratic and Republican sources:
1. What we're seeing here confirms what the American people think is the worst about Washington: that everyone is more interested in posturing and political positioning and protecting their base than solving real problems
2. Eric, I could get well above the numbers the GOP is talking about with revenue increases.
3. I am not afraid to veto this and I will take that message and defend it to the American people. 4. If we default, it will be a tax increase on every American. My responsibility is to the American people.
5. I have reached the point where I say, 'Enough.'
6. I have sat here long enough and no other President - Ronald Reagan wouldn't sit here like this.
7. I've reached my limit.
8. We've reached the point where something's got to give.
9. You've either got to compromise on your dollar for dollar insistence or you compromise on the big deal, which means raising taxes.
10. Eric, don't call my bluff. I will go to the American people on this.
11. This may bring my presidency down, but I will not yield on this.”
The entire article can be read at;
Mr. President Obama, you are wrong in all 11 sentences you are accredited with speaking.
1. 1. Americans are not upset with politicians posturing and politically positioning, that is what you people do. The American people are sick and tired of Democrats and Moderate Republicans recklessly spending our money.
1. 1. Americans are not upset with politicians posturing and politically positioning, that is what you people do. The American people are sick and tired of Democrats and Moderate Republicans recklessly spending our money.
2. 2. Yes, you could get well above the numbers with revenue increases, but “We the People” are the providers of that revenue in the form of taxes, fines, fees, etc. Your “getting well above” puts more Americas well below.
3. 3. Mr. President, please veto a practical and intelligent cut spending bill and see how many of you and your fellow Communist Democrats are re-elected in 2012
4. It will not be a tax increase on every American, nor will America default. There is more than adequate revenues coming into the treasury to pay for appropriate expenditures. The only thing to suffer will be “Progressives” ability to buy votes through pork barrel spending projects. And, who reminded you your responsibility was to the American people? That seems to only apply when Democrats want more money or more power.
4. It will not be a tax increase on every American, nor will America default. There is more than adequate revenues coming into the treasury to pay for appropriate expenditures. The only thing to suffer will be “Progressives” ability to buy votes through pork barrel spending projects. And, who reminded you your responsibility was to the American people? That seems to only apply when Democrats want more money or more power.
5. 5. No Mr. Obama; the American people are saying “enough”. It was said in the past election, and will be said again in 2012.
6. 6. You Sir are nothing close to Ronald Reagan. He released his real Birth Certificate, his real college records, and his real name. You have caused questions in all three areas, and according to Jesse Jackson Sr., you are not even “Black Enough”. Jesse was wrong; your Democrat heart is very black.
7. 7. And???
8. 8. Americans are a giving people, but “We the People” hate thieves, particularly in government.
9. 9. It is clear in the underlined sentence stated by the President of the United States he has no intentions of lowering taxes for any reason. He also has no intention of being the one compromising.
1. 10. Mr. President, do not call the people’s bluff. Mr. Cantor represents the people. Democrats suffered blistering defeats in the last election. This will occur again unless the reckless spending stops immediately.
11. The concept of bringing your Presidency down is at a minimum promising to millions of Americans; however, have you considered how many businesses and lives your policies have destroyed?
How dangerous is it when the President of the United States forgets he represent the United States? Mr. Obama is showing his true colors through his own words and attitude. How much more income can Americans afford to lose? It appears Obama is of the frame of mind to take everything.
11. The concept of bringing your Presidency down is at a minimum promising to millions of Americans; however, have you considered how many businesses and lives your policies have destroyed?
How dangerous is it when the President of the United States forgets he represent the United States? Mr. Obama is showing his true colors through his own words and attitude. How much more income can Americans afford to lose? It appears Obama is of the frame of mind to take everything.