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Thursday, August 18, 2011

President “B-Rock” Obama bombs out on economic tour

Just Another Thought...

Now that President “B-Rock” Obama has concluded his economic tour, which was little more than another campaign tour, he heads off to Martha’s Vineyard to lick his wounds. This is what many republicans would like us to believe, but may not be the case.

Much could be said about this latest escapade into throngs of the great unwashed executed by Mr. “B-Rock”. Was he hoping for the same roaring crowds of worshipers enjoyed as candidate Obama? If so, he should not have. Many of those he spoke to are in fear of losing their jobs or seeing them transferred out of the country, and being forced to pay even, higher taxes with nothing to show for it.

The former candidate Obama sold snake oil to masses of begrudging, angry, selfish and guilt ridden individuals hoping for a hand out from him to them. Or, a good solid upper cut to the jaw of “those rich white people”. The for mentioned saw themselves as deserving what belonged to someone else and wanted it taken from them and given to those who loved him, by any means necessary, but what did President Obama deliver?

It was no accident legislation materialized quickly and sat waiting to be presented for debate or passage and conveniently for the Democrat Majority Controlled Congress and Presidency. Legislation such as “Obama Care” was not written by Obama and little if any by liberals in Congress, but has all the earmarks of a liberal law school or think tank project. Cap and Trade, though discussed before, strangely took on the wording of a socialist, centralized government agenda. Various other forms of legislation sounded as though written by Marx, Chavez, Mao, Hitler or Stalin. In fact, research reveals similar wording can be found in Health Care Law for Nazi Germany before World War II, just to name on. Coincidence, NOT LIKELY.

What else did President Obama deliver; fundamental change. This he promised to do, but few asked how he was to accomplish such a task. Even fewer acknowledged doing so would require destroying the Constitution, Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence.

These probing questions were stanchly avoided by the liberal media, however those willing to ask were dealt with in “the most tender” of Stalin methods; they could have disappeared forever for asking. Yet, Mr. “B-Rock” has enjoyed the protections of those worshiping his true purpose and intent.

People questioning the validity of his birth certificate are called “Birthers” by the media. But, this same media demanded to see George W. Bush’s military records, and were caught falsifying records to prove their point. In other words, they lied about George W. Bush, but lied for Barrack Husain Obama.

By the way, Mr. Obama does claim to be half white, also. Few asked what his how radical was his Muslim father before he died. No one in the media ask what Obama’s White Grandfather did during World War II, but the media made much noise about McCain being shot down in Vietnam and being a prisoner of war. And it must not be forgotten how fair and honestly the media dealt with Sarah Palin and her family with endless attempts to undermine at every opportunity.

Who remembers Mr. Barrack H. Obama in college? Does anyone remember him in law school? Why hasn’t the media investigated these questions?

It is no wonder why Mr. “B-Rock” does not see women fainting in large crowds as they chanted his name. Reality arrived to each of his stops before his bus tour did.

Unemployment constantly over 9% does not make a crowd of worried people happy. Losing homes, jobs and savings will not give cause for uplifting chants of praise. And, shoving The United States into an additional 4 trillion dollars deeper in debt makes no one happy except true America haters, like him.

If actions were to be the judge, rather than double talk and bookkeeping gimmicks, Obama would be much worse than a massive failure, if improving America was his true intent, but it is not.

He was raised from a child to be a socialist, and as a student he learned to love the Islamic call to worship, as written by him. His closest friends were and are, socialist, Marxist, and criminals. And, he has filled his cabinet and positions of power with like minded individuals. Does he have America’s best interest at heart? No, he wants America turned into a third world Communist country with him in charge.

President Obama is taking a 10 day vacation because he can not “laugh out loud” at having gotten so much over on the “Mighty USA”.

In the hours of darkness, keen one’s ear toward Martha’s Vineyard and listen closely. For what you ask? You are listening for the toast to Mao, Stalin and Hitler for being such great teachers and examples of tyranny.  

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