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Saturday, February 27, 2010

P.O.O.R. Obama Administration and Federal Reserve; Killing Haiti and Chile

Just Another Thought..

At 3 A.M. on Saturday morning an 8.8 scale earthquake struck Chile. This earthquake stronger, than the kill that struck Haiti, is the latest example of natural disasters befalling man. In Haiti pleas are still coming daily begging for help and financial assistance. Much more help could go to quake victims if the Obama Administration and Federal Reserve were not dedicated to bankrupting the American people. If President Obama was not dead focused on killing economic growth through extremely high taxes and job destruction, more Americans would have available income to make donations.

As it stands now, 7 million Americans have lost their jobs and are dependent on assistance from a source other than their own efforts. This is a massive erosion of self confidence and self reliance for the American people. Because of progressive restructuring, billions of dollars are not in the hands of the American public. As a result, much less money is available for donations to organizations more capable of helping in times of disaster, than FEMA.

This leaves those in need much closer to death and disease than is necessary. It is logical to conclude, the progressive agenda, the Federal Reserve and the Obama administration are responsible for the deaths of thousands in Haiti, and the eventual un-necessary deaths in Chile. Rather than blame former President Bush; this time, it’s all Obama.

While taking steps to become a tin horn dictator, President Obama and his progressive Democrats have no concern for the true nature of the American people. That nature is to help where help is needed. A failure to deliver aid to the sick, injured and needy is now on Obama’s shoulders and those who think as he does. These are the same people in favor of partial birth abortion, and major world depopulation planning. Their political polices prove, progressives want our unborn baby too our elderly to disappear.

They love themselves, power, and all things that will give them more power. Do not ignore, P.O.O.R.- PROGRESSIVE OBAMA OPPRESIVE RECONSTRUCTION – it’s real.

Friday, February 26, 2010

P.O.O.R. – Progressives are Only Giving Straight Facts?

Just Another Thought..

It seems President Barack Obama and his Progressive mob of Democrats are, hell bent on passing a national Health Care Bill. It is clear most American have learned progressives are only giving straight facts, if you don’t want the truth. In an attempt to protect uninformed American citizens, an interesting piece of writing has been unearthed.

In 1994, Simon Rottenberg and David J. Theroux authored an interesting study titled, Rationing Health Care – Price Controls are Hazardous to Our Health. In this paper they point out some interesting facts.
“In Germany for instance, at the beginning of 1993, the government moved to tighten its global budgeting of the country’s national health care system. The burden of this belt-tightening was to be felt first and foremost by German Pharmaceutical firms.”

This appears to mean, when the government puts price controls in place that which they control suffers. Keep in mind governments are most successful at growing themselves, not private sector industry. Government controls artificially influence supply and demand.  In the case of health care, the results are fatal.
On page 3 another point is made.
“Inefficiencies from government controls further manifest themselves in the gross bed mismanagement found in hospitals. Despite the long waiting list in Britain and Canada, one in four beds remains empty at any time, with hospital occupancy rates at 74 percent for acute beds and 82 percent for all beds. Yet 25 percent of acute-care beds are being utilized by so-called “bed blockers” for long-term nursing home purposes, often at 600 percent the cost. “

Does such action indicate efficiency or population control? The statement above screams loudly, “Government control cares about the government, not the people”. I must remind you this was written in 1994. Progressives were trying to convince Americans the superiority of socialized medicine then and are still doing so.

If Progressives in Washington are allowed to obtain socialized government health care in the U.S., suffering will increase at rates never before seen in this country. Consider this, in 1966, Medicare was introduced at $3 billion a year. They said it would cost $12 billion by 1990; federal government predicted amount. In 1990, Medicare cost $107 billion. Uncle Sam missed the mark by $95 BILLION . This is just one example of government management, and what did we get? Higher taxes and more people saying, “My Uncle Will Take Care of Me”. Progressives bought votes by using Medicare, and fear.

Is this what you want – to live in fear of losing your health care because you may disagree with a politician or policy? Tyranny can take different forms. When a person depends on the government to take care of them, what are they - but a slave. Tell the master, who feeds and cares for you, no; and life will become very painful by his hand. This is what is being offered by P.O.O.R. – PROGRESSIVE OBAMA OPPRESSIVE RECONSTRUCTION.



Just Another Thought..
,..in Order to form a more perfect Union,..
Formation of a colony, much less a country is no simple matter.  The partakers of such an undertaking would be required to accept a magnitude of unknowns. At the time of the formation of this United States, accepting unknowns of a new world would have to be seen as less detrimental than continued existence in their locations, before undertaking the venture.  For writers of the constitution to say, “…in order to form a more perfect Union..,” requires them to have knowledge or experienced imperfect Unions.  More precisely, imperfect Unions of State, or suppressive and tyrannical forms of government would serve as examples best not followed. That experience was documented in The Declaration of Independence.

Thirteen Colonies banded together to present themselves a force to be reckoned with, against an empire.  For authors of the Constitution to use words in a hap-hazard manner is most unlikely.  These men knew they were crafting a document that not only created a nation, but knew full well their reward would come at the end of a rope, if they failed.  Therefore, each sentence, phrase, and word gained its permanence in the Constitution with powerful and deliberate meaning and purpose.

The word “IN” is not placed where it is by coincidence.  The word “in”, placed before the word “order”, meets eleven definitions spanning use as a preposition, adverb, and adjective, as establish in The Merriam-Webster Dictionary 2004 edition.  The significance of this two letter word was not missed by our document drafters however, that fact seems wholly incomprehensible by the legal and political roughage of today.  These drafters were not men of babbling ignorance nor were they fool’s of educated status.  They were men knowledgeable in their fields, suffered injustices, and painfully determined not to continue as surfs to an empire of tyrannical nobility.  They understood “We The People” are the country, and staked their lives on it. 

The meanings of the word “in” shows the predicament they found themselves, specifically as offenses in “The Declaration of Independence”, committed by the King of Britain. The word “ORDER” meets the definition; arrangement of things or events.

The events and circumstances facing the colonies was in and of itself an existence of inferiority. A demand of payments of taxes and fees, with no representation in Parliament fostered a feeling of servitude. As a result, disorder was bond to develop and ferment. Injustice was the foundation for the use of the word, “ORDER”.

The use of the two words, “to form”, establishes creativity and a willingness to do something different. Because the framers of the constitution were men of faith, education, and knowledge; they possessed foundational knowledge to reason out a better formula for governing.

Consider the foundations they worked from. They earned their living through self employment, private and public investment, learning hard lessons taught through trial and error. All was learned in a land for which they were a collection of colonies, not as a sovereign country. Colonies grew and advance by honorable and dishonorable means. To claim all steps taken were in full respect to the original inhabitants is an exercise in self imposed ignorance. Among the honorable treaties and promises, were some dirty deals and maneuvers. Within the confines of Holy Scripture, academic learning and life experiences, the wisest course of action proved itself to be the establishment, “a more perfect union”.

To have a desiring grow to a magnitude of tangibility and manifest itself in the writing of four simple words; “a more perfect union” found in the Preamble signifies the depths of despair felt among colonist. These four words established the objective and full intent, regardless of the consequences. “A more perfect union”, clearly notifies any and all readers of the Constitution of the United States, what the objective is and was at its creation. The four words used gives acknowledgement to other unions of state more flawed than what the founding fathers were creating. As a source of examples and knowledge, they looked at history, distant and recent history at that time.

It is logical to assume, nearly every country form of government is perfect to those who benefit greatest from the way it is formed and operated. For Dictators, absolute control is great. If you have all the power, who would dare say you are wrong? If someone protests too loudly, as dictator, you can order them to disappear and they do.

In a Democracy, mob rule is the rule. What the majority wants, and votes in, is what will be. Rome tried this method and ended in destruction, though they merged with the Vatican. For their efforts ancient great Rome slipped into history, replaced by a religion government; the Catholic faith.

Imperfection was the order of the day and had been for over a thousand years. Using the strongest and truest knowledge available to them, the framers of the Constitution created a basis for independence of the person and a country, with warts and all.

References; ConservativePartyUSA.com

                         United States Constitution
© L. M. O’Neal February 2010

Thursday, February 25, 2010

“P.O.O.R.” – Progressive Obama Offensive Restructuring

Just Another Thought...
Barack Obama Health Care Summit, Ha

Progressive Obama Offensive Restructuring televised Thursday the Health Care summit. It did not go the way Progressives planned. In an honest viewing of summit, President Obama was clearly the moderator. In such capacity he failed the fairness test. He did not allow for balanced discussion, nor did he accept alternative suggestions from Republicans.

If the Republicans are the party of NO; democrats presented themselves as the Communist Party. If viewed in that capacity, any one supporting any Government Controlled Health Care Bill is supporting the complete destruction of America.

What does the United States Citizen have to lose? To answer this question, consider what you have now.

A citizen can buy any health care program they can afford. This includes the most expensive policy money can buy and use it within policy confines and limitations. The holder of a private policy does not need to consult or submit to government over-site of treatment desire, or needed. This is left to regulation by state law not federal law.

If you can’t afford insurance, use of the emergency room and free clinics are available. In ER treatment is still given. If in doubt, ask the illegals. They use it all the time. Under Obama’s plan; government healthcare will control hospital ER use. So much for quick treatment.

Under P.O.O.R. in Health Care, We the People are not being listened to. We are the irrelevant. Pelosi, Obama and Reid is also P.O.R., and see themselves gods and goddess of evil. If in doubt, how many abortions will this health care bill, as it is written, prevent being performed stop?

The current job losses are increasing however, Democrats don’t seem to understand government health care will increase the recession, and sky rocket unemployment. In truth, Washington acts like they are uninformed. The truth is they know exactly what will happen to unemployment. They know it will drive more people out of jobs and business. Once the jobs are gone, more people will have to depend on the government.

This smells like an FDR and Woodrow Wilson design for the New Deal.  Or more accurately, the set up of creating NAZI GERMANY AND THE SOVIET UNION. I may be over stating the current situation however, 262 million dead in communist countries can’t be wrong. What we say today was Progressive Politics.


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Toyotas’ Sticking Gas Pedal Has a Simple Solution

Just Another Thought...

Millions of car owners bought; drive, and own Toyotas. With the current plague of problems focusing on the car maker, one thing stands out.

If the problem is actually rapid and unpredictable acceleration, what connects the accelerator pedal to the fuel injection or throttle acceleration or control system? Between these two components is a computer system. Toyota and most other car makers use sensors to detect acceleration commands and deceleration as well. In the old days this function was handled manually. A cable ran from the gas pedal to the engines carburetion – fuel injection system.

By using cables levers and springs, rather than sensors and computer, likely hood of malfunction is severally limited. If the cable breaks, the vehicle suddenly slows to a stop because a throttle spring causes the deceleration.

“Next Comes’ My Guess.”

Using computers black boxes and sensors leaves an electronic opening in the system, if a hacker knows how to enter it. With the advent of heavy electronic usage in automobiles, satellites must be involved. If a signal, such as blue tooth or some other type of electronic signal, goes up to a satellite, is rerouted to an intended target, it can be hacked along the way. This similar to a problem Google is having with China and other countries.

What if someone has been testing methods of hacking into automotive computer systems? Would crashes be faulty manufacturing by Toyota, or murder by fiat at the hands of a hacker?

One sure way to fix the problem, without Obama, Congressional involvement, or having to deal with Eric Holder is to install cable connections. By returning to cable systems, instead of computer systems, drivers will have a fighting chance at surviving a runaway killer car. The downside – “Big Brother “ can’t control a drivers speed or over rider driver decisions.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Government Bullying Abuse and Criminal Support

Just Another Thought...

The United States was founded on a Constitution, Declaration of Independence, and Bill of Rights. All of these founding documents seem to have been swept aside, or manipulated for something less honorable. Criminal elements and activities are occurring within the federal and state governments. As a manner of appeasing the public; occasionally someone goes to jail from inside the government.

On December 4, 2010 Robert T. Schofield, a supervisor in Homeland Security is arrested in his office in Fairfax, Va. He’s charged with accepting $8.1 million in bribes for selling green cards to illegal Asians. It was also reported his arrest included an additional $600k in bribes for selling fraudulent citizenship documents. It was reported his superiors ignored his activities, while promoting him up the latter. Was he arrested as an example? Was he the “red meat” thrown to the public - taking the eye off of others involved in similar illegal acts? This is not an isolated incident.
On October 27, 2006, Jimmie Ortega was arrested for selling 60 phony citizenships priced from $1,500 up to $4,000 each. Mr. Ortega was an employee of INS – A Federal Government Agency. His offenses did not occur over night.   

Information supplied by; www.dojgov.net.

Problems are not only in government. Bradley Birkenfield reported to prison on January 8, 2010. His offense and conviction came as a result of helping his clients conceal millions of dollars in offshore accounts. His acts restricted the IRS ability to steal money they did not earn or deserve.
Mr. Birkenfield actions included being the “WHISTLE BLOWER” on the actions of UBS, a Swiss Bank. The Swiss paid $780 million in fines and turned over 4,450 suspected tax dodgers. However, accountability to tax payers is something the Federal Government has repeatedly failed to do. Was this punishment for blowing the whistle?  

For more information log into; www.washingtontimes.com.

Progressive minded individuals and organizations have mastered the art of talking out both sides of their mouth. One such double talker is the ACLU.
The U. S. Patriot Act came to life weeks after the attack on the World Trade Center Towers. The sitting Congress became suddenly very patriotic. They quickly passed laws opening legal doors to find any and all terrorist in the United States. Today the Patriot Act is being used to spy and bully ordinary citizens who oppose more government intrusions. Was this a patriotic move by Congress? Maybe not.
Patriot Act Section (213) allows the search and gathering of information on American Citizens. Under the Patriot Act, the government can search private property without property owners’ knowledge or consent. The government can search and gather information from an individuals financial records, medical records, internet usage, bookstore purchases, library usage, travel patterns, and any other activity that leaves a record. This is extending the scope of the 4th amendment.

In this situation, the ACLU is doing something good but, don’t be fooled. They have done plenty against freedom and liberty.  

For more information go to; www.aclu.org.

A brief examination of state and federal laws would indicate it’s illegal to do nearly everything conceivable. These laws, ordnances, and statutes were written and passed into law by elected and unelected people working in different agency and branches of government. A closer focus on the activities of the Federal, State, and Local Governments require the people’s protections of liberty and freedom. Governments function for their own good. God Bless America. 

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Progressive Federal Bullying

Just Another Thought...

We can all imagine or remember taking evasive routes home or cowering in a corner hoping to be ignored by a bully. As disgusting as such acts are the same methods of intimidation, bullying, are being exerted on the American people, by the Federal Government. The Progressive Federal Government is the top bully in the pig pin.

Bullying is not restricted to schools, private, or public work places. Massive in its organization, the Federal and State Governments have grown to become the number one employer in the nation. Along with this growth comes an ever increasing demand for funds to pay these new hirers and new programs. As a method of increasing revenue, federal harassment of the citizens is on the rise. It matters not they are working for the people. In the current culture of greed and control, servants are now giving orders to the masters – or so it seems.

Attitudes of elected and nonelected officials have created a climate of distrust and resentment among the tax payers. These are the same people burdened with paying unjustified fees, taxes and increases. An attitude of superiority and indifference permeating the bureaucratic strong hold portrays the citizens as the having childlike behavior, when objections are raised. As a result, the government employee takes a stance of parenthood, which they have no authority for.  And more insulting are those purporting themselves as disciplinarians. Such behavior is tantamount to bullying, abusive attitudes and behavior.

Ben Leichtling state clearly on his blog; http://www.bulliesbegoneblog.com , how disgusting such acts are. Not only that but, he goes on to layout methods of dealing with bullies. As great as this reading may be, can it be applied to government employees?

Conservatives salivate at the idea of removing President Barack Obama from office, and often blame him for piggish attitudes suffocating most government offices. Sorry, the problem arrived; rooted, and spread like a Union Fungus long before he arrived. The attitude in and of itself is a manifestation of those of low character in high office, or at least government jobs.

It is to be noted; not all government employees suffer an attitude stink. It does not take many to cause a gathering of flies around the entire building. Changing attitudes of the fly magnets falls first on their coworkers. By failing to confront bad attitudes and bullies, in the name of job protection, the good become cowards and victims of the bad.

Labor Unions, Progressive Educators, and the Federal Government are masters of the Art of Bullying. Take as an example, The IRS. This agency is one of the top bullies in the federal pig pin. They are used by elected and appointed officials as a tool of control, intimidation, harassment, and wealth redistribution – among other things. They are on the attack from the day a person is born in the United States. Lie, cheat, and steal using a continuous state of legal confusion beyond the day a person dies.

Death being the final frontier, of which we know little facts about, is no excuse allowable to the IRS. They pursue the person, or rather their assets into the grave. This method is known as the Estate Tax. Thieves have no honor, even among themselves. This should be remembered by the Obama administration and Timothy Gietner.

Assaulting Americans has become such a way of life, Uncle Sam is leaving no stone unturned. Bullying is being exercised through taxes, fees, government health care, cap and trade and on and on. When will this end? That is a decision, We the People must make. Will the citizens continue to allow the Big Fat self serving bully to eat our lunch and take our lunch money? Or, are we mad as hell, and we’re not taking it anymore?

Look out bullies; the taxpaying citizens are tired of your stuff. Come November; you are out of a job.

References; www.lni.wa.gov

Right, Wing-Nut!: Amy Bishop: Liberal Nutjob ?

Right, Wing-Nut!: Amy Bishop: Liberal Nutjob ?

Just Another Thought...

Bursting Open Writers Block

Just Another Thought...

Here it comes again, writers block. No, it’s arrived already. How dare it arrive uninvited, unwanted, unrequested, and by all means, unsummoned and gravely unwelcomed. How often must I suffer the presence of the most undesirable of all the cursed things to lay itself upon the mind and hand of a crafter of words. Unwritten words demanding life and liberty to liberate the inner most expressions and inhibitions of man, and woman kind alike.

I pray, suffer me not the drudgery of a blank page, patiently awaiting the arrival of my first word. That first word so illusive yet, my blankness waits’ mockingly on paper and screen. Oh that blank space of whiteness, or worse yet, its very near relative; the computer monitors screen. Just as the blank page, the cursor first mocks me with that continuous blinking of its presence.

I look at it as I do the page of nothing. They both offer no hint of what I should say or, how I should go about saying it. I wait on them – they wait on me - neither of us willing to yield the first hint of breaking.

However, I have the advantage. I, the writer, the crafter of sentences and paragraphs, do indeed have the advantage. The master of written mistakes and student of beloved rewrites, have the advantage of leaving them where they lay and sit. I can escape to task less defined, less rewarding and less accomplishing. Rather than take the cowards way out, I wait in hopes my rescue will soon arrive.

Finally, in the furthest recesses of my mind, something moves. I know it is there because, I had fallen asleep. My rescuer, that portion of my mind so well empower with the ability to deny my presence, as well as my absence, has offered me a grain of incentive.

Though I am not fully awake, I feel it approaching. A word, or was it a thought? I cannot recall, and at the time, I dared not interfere. It started much as a pebble would from a sling-shoot. From its launch, it began small. If you were standing on the opposite side of a plate glass window, and have unobstructed view of its approach, you would understand.

Slowly I watched this pebble of a thought approach. As it gained its arch, it began to grow slightly. Coming nearer, it grew only slightly larger.

Suddenly slamming into the window, that small idea exploded into a spiders web of possibilities, all connected. My rescue had arrived. I needed only to pick and choose the course I would take to accomplish my writing task.

Ready and armed with baskets of thoughts and directions, I returned my attention to the monitors screen and blank white paper ready to write. Then the electrical power failed, and again I was plunged into the dark. Now, I must try and remember where I put my candles and matches. Oh the life of a writer.  

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Progressive’s Path to Power and Personal Destruction

Just Another Thought...

“No one making under $250K a year will see a tax increase. -  Candidate Barack Obama”.

Millions believed one of the most often used progressive lies in history. It is also one of the most often violated promises used in the last 90 years. Repeatedly, progressive politicians, of both parties, have used the power of envy and greed to push their agenda.

How it works is simple; rather than focus on the root of the problem, which is creating dependency on a government system, and not one’s own self – community, fosters the sense of protection and help coming from the government. In doing so, government takes control of people’s lives to the demise of the person. Those seeking control of the people use the power of weakness, to undermine the strong and make them weaker and dependent. As a result all become weaker morally, financially, and politically.

Weakening the people has been systematically applied from Presidents Woodrow Wilson; both Roosevelt’s, Johnson, Kennedy, Carter, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama, and to a much lesser degree by Ragan. All were Presidents of the United States and implemented some degree of socialism by small incremental steps.

Income taxes are progressive, steadily eating larger and larger portions of private income in the name of fairness. Social Security is applying a safety net to catch those not providing for their own future retirement. Problem is the promised social security payments are not enough to live on, without major living restrictions. Billions paid into the system become part of the general receipts to the federal government and are spent for pet projects, ignoring the original intent of the tax. What’s left is an IOU promising to replace the money. Partakers of this action in corporate America go straight to jail but, why is it legal for the government to do?

Most Federal and state programs claiming designs to help the people are in truth, designed to weaken the independence of the people while strengthening the governments control over the people. The cure for this leaching away of freedom and liberty is not simple but, can be done. The first step is to make yourself responsible for your actions and decision, not the government. Taking this step forces you, the individual, to think twice before doing something costly or dangerous.     

Friday, February 19, 2010

Tiger Wood’s is No God – Just a Man

Just Another Thought...

In a 13 minute announcement before, mainly family and friends and a few reporters, Tiger Woods showed he has grown up. He entered the game of golf a boy - a young man, and grew into an adult. However, he arrived into the professional circuit of golfers as a young single man. He knew what he was good at and proved he had what it took to take on the best and prove himself better.

After marrying the woman he wanted, he slipped into activities often plaguing men and women of great wealth, and confused as to what truly matters. On Fed. 19, 2010 he stood before the cameras, and admitted his poor judgment, poor character, and poor behavior. He admitted he was just a man.

However, the display of manhood he presented is of a higher caliber than that of President Obama. Tiger admitted his errors and mistakes, no matter his sincerity, the president and the leadership in the Democratic Party could learn a few things from the Pro Golfer. When you are wrong, fess up and get real. All of you are hired, and, can and will be fired.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

401(k) or 403(b) Depends on Where You Work

Just Another Thought..

The 403(b) retirement plan is popular with educators and ministers. The 403(b) is one retirement plan offer to most employees of educational institutions and non-profit organizations as defined by Internal Revenue Code (IRC) 501(c) (3).  Investments by employers and contributions by the employee into a 403(b) are allowed to grow tax deferred until funds are withdrawn.  The assumption is this will occur at the time and age of retirement.  However, withdrawals even as retirement will be taxed as regular income.  The use of a 403(b) only delays payment of taxes till a later time. For more details concerning 403(b) plan, IRS Publication 571 provides IRS details.  You can obtain this document by calling 1-800-289-3676, or on the internet at www.irs.gov/publications/p571/.

The popular 401 (k) retirement plan is another pretax qualified deferred plan.  In this plan, employees can elect to have a portion of their wages deposited into this plan in pre tax dollars.  Usually the dollars deposited, commonly referred to as elective contributions, are not subject to tax at the time of deposit, and are not reported on the employee’s 1040 tax form. Therefore, it is not reported on employee’s W-2 forms.  On the downside; these elected contributions are subject to income tax withholding at the time of deferment. They are also included as wages subject to social security, Medicare, and federal unemployment taxes.

Contributions to a 401(K) plan are not limitless. Limitations on allowable amounts are spelled out in IRS Publication 525; Taxable and Nontaxable Income.  Publications 560, Retirement Plans for Small Business; (SEP, SIMPLE, and QUALIFIED PLANS), explain setting up and maintaining plans for employees involved in 401(k) plans. 

One retirement aspect which could be to the advantage to retires, and non-retirees alike are the ability to withdraw lump sums from 401(k) retirement accounts.  In today’s job changing environment, 401(k) accounts can be rolled over to a new employer, or into a more private system.  

Comparatively speaking, both 401(k)’s, and 403(b)’s offer strong support and opportunities for workers, depending on their type of employment.  For people working within educational systems, ministries, and I.R.S. approved industries; participation in 403(b) Retirement Plans could be very appealing toward retirement income.

In private sector industries, contributing to a 401(k) Retirement Plans offer a notable system of building a nest egg of size to be used in retirement years or for an emergency.

Suggested reading:   www.403bwise.com

Monday, February 15, 2010

Retirement Information You Can Use

Just Another Thought..

Year after year we interact with our places of employment, or business, working to provide for ourselves and families.  Millions brave traffic congestion, foul weather and bad drivers in the hopes of one day retiring and enjoying the good life. In addition, we must deal with all the other challenges of life.  

Conversation regarding retirement can be gleaned in all industries, and all parts of the country.  As an objective, nearly all workers ponder the mechanics of having enough funds put away to live comfortably for the remainder of their lives; after they retire. In hopes of reaching that goal steps are taken. Often times a set amount of money is invested into a system, method, plan or program toward the “golden years”.

Retirement dollars can be invested in a number of ways, most of which will meet the desired end to some degree.  That end will be better in some instances than others.
Often employers of sufficient capacity and meeting I.R.S. requirements will offer retirement programs such as 401(k), IRA’s, or other types of plans.

Retirement plans such as IRA’s, 401(k)’s, and, 403(b)’s primarily for educators, ministries and others qualifying in the area of 501(c)(3) organizations, arrange investment participation programs.  These plans are required to meet certain IRS requirements by federal and, or state law.  In programs such as these, participants enroll in the programs offered or suggested, and in an investment vehicle offered through the employer. Each pay period, a specific amount, or percentage of money is deposited into the chosen plan. Some plans are matched up to a certain amount or percentage by the employer.
These plans are federal and or state controlled and regulated by law.  Frequent withdrawals are not convenient to do.

Federal and state regulated retirement plans are not the only methods available. Because the money earned belongs to the individual who earned it, more options are available.  If individual workers want more control of their money - purchase of stocks, bonds, municipal bonds, etc. are available.  Many of these investment vehicles require the assistance of investment professionals, and extensive research.  In some types of investments such as insurance products, agents or other experts are advised.

No matter the method, vehicle or plan used, if nothing is done to insure a degree of security for retirement, it may not be as golden as desired.

Reference: www.irs.gov

Brain Cell Exchange

Just Another Thought...
An offbeat thought is a dangerous thing unless, it’s your thought for today.

“If two mice get into an argument, and one murders the other – the crime could be called a mouse-icide.
If two rats get into an argument, and one murders the other – the crime could be called POLITICS.”
L. M. O'Neal

Perhaps Democrats and Republicans should think about this.
For quotes from famous or important people visit; www.brainyquote.com  . 

Saturday, February 13, 2010

The Biggest Mistakes Men Could Make With Their Women; IN February

Just Another Thought...

It matters not if you are in New York, Los Angeles, or any place in the country or the world.  February is one of the most dangerous months of the year for American men.  In most cases, forgetting Valentine’s Day could result in chills cooling the warmest of hearts. Not yours Mr. Man but, heart of the woman you are supposed to love and admire.  Failure to acknowledge this special day of romance is a cardinal sin (in some circles).  This is an attempt to rescue wayward male attention spans from a rude awakening on “V – Day”, before frost bite strikes at bedtime.
Plan “V – Day” for her.

Reasons to make such plans are simple; she wants to know she is not taken for granted. Much too often too many men assume their spouses, or significant other, will take care of it. Women do dozens of little things that add up to a successful house hold operation. Many of these small and easily ignored tasks are not necessarily in their best interest. They perform them in the interest of their man.  One of the best ways to show your appreciation is to plan and execute something for her.

It is understood today’s economic climate may require monitoring the out flow of every dime but, much can be accomplished, at little expense. If you can afford it, by all means hop a jet, and celebrate “V – Day” in London, Sydney, or perhaps Hong Kong, or someplace she would deem romantic. However, if finances are limited, restricted, or strained try listening to what she has to say.

I understand making a suggestion like this, is nearing the ranking of unforgiveable coming from a man but, try to consider something.  “V –Day” ain’t about you. It’s about her; the better half of you. Now, get over yourself and make her feel like a queen for a while.

A few minor suggestions are in order, if you want positive results. Turn off your blackberry. You are not Barack Obama. You do not need to tell Pelosi and Reid everything you are doing. If you think you can’t be disconnected for a few hours consider this. If you were in a coma, what would the other people do? Get the point. Turn the little sucker off, and pay attention to her.
Next, don’t talk politics or sports to her unless she is really, really into it. If she is, it may lead to where you want to go. Let her talk, and act like you are listening; even if you hate the subject. She may have a better focus on the issue than you.

Don’t talk about things you know little about, unless you are asking her questions and seeking her advice. For example, stay away from literature if you are not a reader and she is.  A wrong step in areas of her enjoyment could result in undesired consequences.
Keep a couple of key things in mind. Be creative within the confines of what you think she might like. If she likes it, you will be a special sweet heart. Do not concern yourself about global public health. Your primary objective is her romantic health. 

And finally, try to be part of the civil society of humanity. You can embarrass her some other time.

I have tried to offer a few pieces of advice and suggestions. Do with it what you will but, when darkness covers you world on Valentine’s Day – night; let global warming flourish at your house.


Friday, February 12, 2010

Three mistakes guys make for Valentine’s Day

Just Another Thought...

“Listen Up”.  Gentlemen, guys, fella’s; this is a romance notice. If you fail to reach your goal on Sunday (Valentine’s Day), it’s probably your fault. 

I hope that is clear enough. Sunday is Valentine’s Day and you are trying to survey long enough to get past it. True, Valentine’s Day is a day dedicated to romance or appearing romantic, don’t make it torture.  Millions of dollars are exchanging hands for the specific purpose of stimulating a desired reaction.  Flowers, candy’s, even surprises hug will likely get better result than the billions of dollars wasted by the Obama administration.

But, fear not. Here are three mistakes not to make this weekend.
·         Do not ignore the date.
·         Do not plan to hang out with your buddies.
·         Do not wait to the last minute.
Bullet point 1; Valentine’s Day is designed to be a romance land mine.  If you forget or ignore the date, life 
becomes less pleasant; quickly.  Your spouse, significant other or whatever, want’s to be acknowledged for just a little while. If you come through, relationships can improve quickly.

Bullet pint 2; If you decide to hang out with your buddies, you may be inviting frost bite at home.  Unless your buddy or buddies are your romantic interest; take it to the one you are suppose to be involved with. Suggestion; go get ice cream or do something with the special one.

Bullet point 3; We have 24 hours a day, each. If you can’t arrange, remember, conclude or accidently identify Sunday as Valentine’s Day, you are asking for trouble.  Unless, trouble is your objective, waiting to the last minute to grab a gift means, you may not actually appreciate the other person. Don’t make that mistake. Do it now and save yourself another disagreement.

By the way, a quickly constructed line of poetry may not be a bad idea; if you ask the receiver to help you get it right.  Such gifts may or may not be in vogue. This is very risky.
If you find yourself totally stuck, ask your parents or your social network.  They are likely to be an open source of information, if you are sincere.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Is Progressive - The New Google Buzz Word?

Just a thought...

For the past year Americans have been beat-up with the implied need for social health care.  In poll after poll, views from the American public said, “no we do not need or want government health care,” For some reason, those sentiments were beyond the range of hearing for Progressives in Washington, D.C.  Why is that?

Did politicians in Washington and many state legislatures assume the majority were too involved with the upcoming super bowl to notice what was happening?  Did the politicians think if we were overly caught up with the latest version of the ipad, or some other new gadget, no one would notice their indifference?

Sorry Mr. and M’s Politician but, Americans and the entire world are listening.  From the beginning the voting public has been ignored and minimized by the progressive media, politicians, educators, entertainers, etc…  Much too often referred to as, “bible thumpers” or “gun lovers”.  Most freedom understanding Americans would likely say thank you for noticing – now leave my Constitution alone.

America’s overall, are not as ignorant and uninformed as the elitist would like us to be.  The awakening of the populous did not occur when Sarah Palin burst onto the political scene, it was already occurring. We did not require the steadily increasing threats coming from Iran to enlist our attention - we already knew they were a threat.  That fact was proven by former President Jimmy Carter.

The patriotic sector of America, which is the majority, do not feel chills up and down our legs when Barack or Michelle Obama speak.  If pollsters were to properly construct their questions, they would find the majority of Americans prefer all progressives go someplace far away, like Sri Lanka or Antarctica and remain there.  Again, this fact is ignored by progressives on both sides of the isle. To be more precise, the winter blizzard which slammed into the northeast region of the country, during the weekend of February 5, 6 &7 has been described as snowpocalypse.  The description may have been accurate for the weather conditions but, is also appropriate for emotions and attitudes of the American populous at present toward the progressive agenda and leadership in Washington.

It is clear to anyone desiring to look, more is afoot than difference in political perspectives. Being ignored and enduring name calling from the people elected by the citizenry is not only an insult – it expresses the eloquence of educated ignorance. What does it offer to the concepts of freedom and liberty?  Death, destruction, and slavery will be rewarded to the followers of haters of this country, and the God we believe in.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

How to make a Composter

Just Another Thought..

Use your organic garbage to create a; “green” compost. If you live in an apartment with a patio, this may work very well. However, house dwellers with yard space generally improve their options.
Composting is creating a place that will allow organic material to decompose into a humus condition. This can be accomplished by crafting a compost receptacle. Living in congested areas, a receptacle for composting can be created using a garbage can. A twenty gallon garbage receptacle, with a snug fitting lip, will serve this purpose. First insure it has no holes. You want what you put inside to remain inside.

The creation of compost in a confined area using a plastic garbage receptacle or a traditional metal garbage can requires minor preparation.

Materials Required:
·         20 gallon refuse container (plastic or metal), with snug fitting lid.
·         2 twenty gallon heavy duty garbage can liners.
·         1 – 5lb. bag potting soil (not required to be organic).
·         1 cup of live fishing worms (if available).

Place container away from traffic areas, preferably a spot near your outside garden area.
First inspect the container of choice for holes or cracks.
1.      Open plastic liners to full size and place in refuse can. Be sure top of liner over hangs top of receptacle.
Open and insert second liner in same manner, inside garbage receptacle.
3.      Apply 3” to 4” potting soil evenly across bottom of receptacle inside liners; on the bottom of refuse container.
4.      Place left over organic materials; vegetables, fruit peels, and coffee grounds, in receptacle, on top of potting soil. When you have an even layer of organic material, cover with 2” of soil.
5.      Add 1 cup live fishing worms to top of soil and 4 cups water - worms promote decomposition.
6.      Tightly close lid.

Store kitchen waste in separate container or plastic freezer bag until you have a sufficient amount to add to compose can. Always cover with soil when you have a 2” even layer of material. Agitating compost receptacle contents with a small shovel once a month helps speed along the process. In 4 to 6 weeks your compost container will become a potting soil container. As you add organic material, cover with soil until bag is empty. Use soil in container afterwards for potting plants until empty, then repeat process.

References: www.vegweb.com/composting

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

“…What I believe in and I WANT." President Barack Husain Obama said this.

Just Another Thought...

What you are about to read is an excerpt from a book I am now working on.  When will it be completed, I do not know however, I am afraid these paragraphs do integrate our Progressive President and his agenda – accurately.

 “The bloodletting had ended.  Rolling masses of the discontent now lay silent.  Not a muscle moved. No head rose or turned for any reason, except for the concert played in the dead silence of death.  All present in opposition, now lay dead.  No longer able to voice their detestable treatment from the oppressive leadership, they lay silent. Who were these former beings of promise and hope now forced through the passage of eternity. 
            Among the new arrival to their time of judgment were agitators and supporters alike.  All trails and tendrils required being severed, as to leave no trail leading to the source of the big lie and the largest of liars. 
            The promises made from the whole cloth of lies and deceit, no longer saw themselves as the winners of fortune, but rather the recipients of dome.
            In retrospect, I cannot view my deeds as those standing in honor, nor of distinction.  To put it in the simplest of terms; I failed.
            At the time I viewed myself through a jaundiced eye.  The deeds I performed at that time were of no consequence to me, but later I would learn the initial payer would be my fellow man.  I saw no reason why I should have to bow myself before a lesser man than myself.  Why should I lower myself to such depths? Stoop so low as to see another individual as an equal.  My self esteem would not suffer the humiliations of such an act.  I dared not extend a helping hand nor, offer a comforting word to those I saw as lesser men.
            My power rested in my pallor, sought release in my deed, and gained refuge in all I had helped to destroy….” 

Unless we, as still free Americans, understand this is the result of Utopia sought, we will be the victims of the Master Victimizers.  Mr. President, “what you believe in and what you want”, is too expensive.       

Monday, February 8, 2010

Taps Plays For A Marine

Just Another Thought...

As early dinners were being served, another Marine received his final orders.  On this day, February 8, 2010, Congressman John Murtha shipped out to his final call to duty.  A former Marine and Decorated Vietnam Vet., he also served his country as a Congressman.  Not one to back down, or sugar coat his opinions, he served his country and his state in the manner he thought best.

We do not have to agree with his political views and positions however, we should all feel obligated to salute the Veteran when he is laid to rest. "Semper Fi", one of my brothers fought that war with you.  I pray you were meet by another, when you crossed the river.  If you don't clearly under stand, visit this site

When his coffin lay's in state; if you are not a Marine, speak it not "Semper Fi".  If you are a Free American Citizen - you may think it.  "Semper Fi".

Now you may listen with your heart to the lone some sound of a burglar playing; "Taps".  I am not a Marine; my brother is.


Protecting Your Home Equity Against Loss

Just Another Thought...

Without dispute, investment in private home ownership is the largest single investment for most Americans.  Systematic and timely payments made over a prolonged period of time builds equity.   A mortgage secured for the purpose of purchasing a home, usually takes years of payments to finally satisfy.  As these payments are made, equity, or a greater portion of the real value of the property, is acquired.  In a very real sense, equity is real money in the form of the value of a home owner’s real estate.  Simply put, the larger the number of payments made; the larger the portion, (the equity) the buyer owns of that home.
It is normal and standard in most places to insure ones car, against loss or damage.  It is also prudent to protect the life and health of yourself and your family through various forms of insurance.  Understand, the purpose of purchasing insurance is to protect yourself, or your investments from as much risk and damage as possible; for a reasonable price.  Equity in your home is another asset, as is good health, automobiles, etc…   In circumstances which create a down turn in conditions creating a negative economy, protecting that hard earned equity may be crucial.  Home equity insurance could be one of your best decisions.

Home equity insurance insures your home against declining values in real estate markets. It protects the homeowner from losses in the event a sale is required and executed in a down market. Such protection is not built into the home owners insurance policies because, it is not insurance per say.  Neither is it part of a structured mortgage.  However, it has elements and compliments of both financial instruments.  Equity insurance protects the home owner’s portion of the worth of their property, should its value decline.

To learn more about this type of protection, read “Home Equity Insurance: A pilot project”, written May 3, 2003, through Yale University.  In this study, the why and what are answered very well.  With these questions answered, they were able to develop the how, and helped create a product with strong commercial appeal offering home equity protection; a way for the consumer to protect against losses.

To gain additional information concerning policies and options;

·         Contact your personal insurance agent or agency.

·         Contact your homeowner associations and home owner’s insurance agent.