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Saturday, February 27, 2010

P.O.O.R. Obama Administration and Federal Reserve; Killing Haiti and Chile

Just Another Thought..

At 3 A.M. on Saturday morning an 8.8 scale earthquake struck Chile. This earthquake stronger, than the kill that struck Haiti, is the latest example of natural disasters befalling man. In Haiti pleas are still coming daily begging for help and financial assistance. Much more help could go to quake victims if the Obama Administration and Federal Reserve were not dedicated to bankrupting the American people. If President Obama was not dead focused on killing economic growth through extremely high taxes and job destruction, more Americans would have available income to make donations.

As it stands now, 7 million Americans have lost their jobs and are dependent on assistance from a source other than their own efforts. This is a massive erosion of self confidence and self reliance for the American people. Because of progressive restructuring, billions of dollars are not in the hands of the American public. As a result, much less money is available for donations to organizations more capable of helping in times of disaster, than FEMA.

This leaves those in need much closer to death and disease than is necessary. It is logical to conclude, the progressive agenda, the Federal Reserve and the Obama administration are responsible for the deaths of thousands in Haiti, and the eventual un-necessary deaths in Chile. Rather than blame former President Bush; this time, it’s all Obama.

While taking steps to become a tin horn dictator, President Obama and his progressive Democrats have no concern for the true nature of the American people. That nature is to help where help is needed. A failure to deliver aid to the sick, injured and needy is now on Obama’s shoulders and those who think as he does. These are the same people in favor of partial birth abortion, and major world depopulation planning. Their political polices prove, progressives want our unborn baby too our elderly to disappear.

They love themselves, power, and all things that will give them more power. Do not ignore, P.O.O.R.- PROGRESSIVE OBAMA OPPRESIVE RECONSTRUCTION – it’s real.

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