Just Another Thought...
Contagious and infectious diseases are the cause of death for millions around the world. Bacterial meningitis is no exception however; this strain of meningitis could have political and medical ramifications.
What is medical bacteria meningitis?
(Meningitis is an infection of the fluid in the spinal cord and the fluid that surrounds the brain. Meningitis is usually caused by an infection with a virus or a bacterium. Knowing whether meningitis is caused by a virus or a bacterium is important because of differences in the seriousness of the illness and the treatment needed.
VIRAL MENINGITIS is usually relatively mild. It clears up within a week or two without specific treatment. Viral meningitis is also called aseptic meningitis.
BACTERIAL MENINGITIS is much more serious. It can cause severe disease that can result in brain damage and even death.
This definition and link is provided for information purposes. It is important to have an idea of what causes such a dangerous and even deadly disease.
What is Political meningitis?
Political meningitis is an infection of liberalism, progressivism , communism, Marxism, Nazism, or other anti – individual (ism)s infecting the spinal cord, which is the political system ,or brain; which is the people - legal citizens of a country. This is specific to a representative republic form of government such as in the United States.
Any collective of individuals with the intent of controlling citizens of the United States through biased laws, lies and (ism) types of manipulation, are guilty of spreading the disease.
How is the disease spread?
The disease of bacterial meningitis is spread in the manner revealed below.
(The germs live naturally in the back of our noses and throats, but they do not live for long outside the body. They are spread when people exchange saliva (such as by kissing; sharing drinking containers, utensils, or cigarettes).
The germ does not cause meningitis in most people. Instead, most people become carriers of the germ for days, weeks, or even months. The bacteria rarely overcome the body’s immune system and cause meningitis or another serious illness.)
A more complete description can be read at the provided link.
How is political meningitis spread?
An infectious political disease is much like a medical one. This particular disease spreads by personsal contact and by air waves. Political meningitis travels from mouths of the infected into the ears of the unknowing and uninformed. It contaminates the minds, bodies and souls of every accepting individual through various forms.
The most common and current forms are;
Promised fairness – deceptive in its intent due to the fact life is not fair. When fairness is offered, it is usually judged and regulated by the least honest group or groups of all.
Promised equality - deceptive in its conceptual beginning and deadly in its reality end. All men are created equal in the eyes of God, however all men have the ability to make choices, and will suffer the consequences of poor choices or gain the benefits of wise choices. In the end, all men must answer to God for their choices and actions.
Promised utopia – a nonexistent place existing in at nonexistent time, with nonexistent people. The closest existence of utopia is in the United States when following Constitutional and biblical foundations, not other religions and beliefs. Utopia in countries under (ism) forms of government is sometimes enjoyed by those in leadership or on the correct side of power with the (ism’s). All others suffer the wrath of evil men and women in power. Examples; In Cambodia, over a million murdered by the government. USSR, millions murdered by their government. China, millions murdered by their government, just to name three.
(Ism) government is strongly favored by the Democrat party because of its promise to give them complete and ultimate control over the people. However, the party has been taken over by the (ism) they embraced as a partner. Now, they have lost control of their own party.
What is treatment is recommended for (ism), democrats and liberals?
Treatment for this disease is much simpler and easier than living with it. Only a few things need be done on a regular, daily basis, to see fast and lasting results.
1. Seek out and watch conservative TV, listen to Conservative radio, talk to conservative people.
2. Read and study the Christian Holy Bible. This is a manual for the living in this world of the living dead. It has a 100% accuracy rate on prophecies and is likely to maintain that ranking in the future.
3. Refer to step 1 and 2 daily.
America can be prosperous again. Our form of government is not bad in fact; it is the most productive and honest in the world. But, it is at risk of destruction by evil people within the government itself. Some elected, others appointed and still others just plain hired hands. It is up to the American people to protect and preserve what we have inherited, otherwise our heirs will inherit nothing of value. What we are as a country is referred to at; http://www.examiner.com/political-buzz-in-nashville/it-stands-the-american-flag-1 .
May God Bless the Representative Republic of the United States of America.