Just another thought...
Being accused of taking a picture of his “private junk” and sending it to a college girl he tweets, is just another of the many actions of politicians far below the bar or respectability. Repeatedly, Americans and the world are being exposed to less than honorable activities by people in elected office. Why has Rep. Weiner not been arrested, like any other flasher? Could the answer be he; is a Congressman, a Democrat, a liberal, an innocent victim, or a combination of all the above?
It is interesting popular media is not demanding the resignation of Rep. Weiner. Demanding resignations came for nearly all Republicans and Conservatives for lesser offenses than exposing private parts. Because of their silence in this area, it is increasingly difficult to deny, popular media is showing their bias again in favor of liberals.
If in question, consider Rep. Weiner’s own words, "can't say with certitude…" To read complete AP article go to; http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/nation/7591335.html
Certitude means: the feeling of conviction about something, especially an opinion or religious faith.
(Definition from Encarta Dictionary: English (North American)
Would it not have been more convincing to have simply said, “I am not certain it is me”? This reply could be more defensible than what he said, but double talking and not answering has become standard political speak. He was asked directly and he did not answer, but delivered a prolonged session of double talk. It is becoming clear Rep. Weiner is living up to his name with his press conferences of non-answering, answers.
If he did send the picture, what will happen to him? Will he meet a similar end so often demanded of Republican elected officials? Or, has the Democrat party become so callus and obscene they no long see acts like these, offensive. Has the era of “If it feels good do it”, “live and let live”, or “freedom of expression”; reach such a low point as glorifying Rep. Weiner for his possible photo flash?
Before saying “NO”, remember Rep. Barney Frank’s boyfriend ran a brothel from their homes basement. And, Senator Chris Dodd and Senator Teddy Kennedy liked a particular restaurant in D.C. more for a particular waitress, than the menu.
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