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Friday, June 10, 2011

U.S. politicians should be warning Americas of financial crash

Just Another Thought...

Repetitive, appreciated and taken for granted; another day has dawned. But, what happens when a new day dawn and the United States has suffered a financial crash during the night.

China is warning the U.S. Congress to get control of government spending. Congress seems not to be, really listening. President Obama started his reign driving the economy down through legislative manipulation and executive orders. He received the Noble Prize for doing nothing first. This was for the work he was about to do; as stated by a member of the Nobel Prize Committee. But, who is in charge?

The Federal Reserve is in control of the United States money. They do not report to any one. They do not, and have never allowed an audit. The Federal Reserve also owns and controls their own collection service identified as the IRS. This same privately owned establishment also owns and controls most of the United States, through the ownership of the Federal Government. The Federal Government holds over 95% of all mortgages in the country. This means, the Federal Reserve owns 95% of the country.

It must be understood, the owner of the mortgage, is the owner of the property.

Stability of the United States is based on the full faith and credit of the United States. This reveals one very clear and painful fact. The United States is BROKE. It is questionable if there is any real gold in Fort Knox’s’ Vaults the problem is, if there is no gold backing the U.S. dollar, a collapse is imminent.

What happens then

Waking to find the money in your pocket is nearly worthless will spawn massive panic. Nearly all Americans will face the consequences of being broke. Not only will the poor face the pains of poverty, so will the formerly rich and powerful. How could this happen?

A country in massive debt, will take all the money and assets it possibly can from it citizens for the purpose of keeping itself afloat. They will seize 401k’s, savings accounts, investment accounts, and anything of value, they can find.  What will the people do? They will resist and refuse. When this happens, NSA will become the Nazi police and come after them.

Leaking secrets are surfacing in many ways. One of which is the trial of whistle blower Thomas Drake, former manager for NSA. NSA is the primary spy on American citizens for nefarious reasons. Read full story of his trial at;

What can ordinary citizens do

Facing disaster is not new to the human race however surviving is also a habitual trait. Planning and preparation smooth the way a bit. It is essential the American public stop wholesale trusting of politicians. These are the people making laws and regulations they have no intention of following themselves. It is also essential each and every citizens question the actions and intentions of everything said and done by their representatives.

Elected representatives have been bought by global corporations. Politicians use some of their money and a huge amount of other peoples’ money to gain political office. These offices do not offer salaries and benefits in equal proportion to the amount of money it takes to gain office. So what do they gain for the trouble? The backing of big business and selling influence, and as a result they are sold and bought like sex slaves and drug junkies.

It is essential for all Americans to begin immediately preparing for a crash. No one wants to see their lives destroyed, financially or otherwise. Standard business practices are not going to continue to work. Millions are at risk, and millions will be caught and destroyed. For the survival of the public, it is necessary to prepare for trouble. It is not the governments’ responsibility to keep the citizens profitable and healthy. Surviving is up to the individual.

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