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Sunday, September 25, 2011

.The Biggest “Uncle Tom” in History Resides in the White House

Just Another Thought...

Congratulations are due for the Democrat Party and their Communist Progressive movement to destroy the United States. Never before has such a collective force of anti-God, anti-Christain, anti-Liberty, and anti-Freedom, with extreme personal wealth, shown such hatred for the United States of America and its formerly largest none white voting block; the blacks and poor whites.

In 2008, massive crowds gathered to listen to the words of a young Senator from Illinois running for President of the United States. Individuals fell faint waiting for him to speak and others fainted for unspecified reasons during his speeches. Oh what a time it was to be black. Across the nation it could be heard, “We are about to have our own Black President”. And, so it was. America was given what was portrayed to be the first black president, but not so fast. There were many unanswered question and even more unasked by the media.

News Media across the U.S. refused to dig into his past as they had his Republican challengers. Was that a black thing, or just plain racist? The media did not ask about his membership in the “Man's Country” in Chicago. They certainly had to know about his gay or bi-sexual interest, but there are many in power performing in closets in D.C. and centers of power.  This could have remained a personal issue had it not been for “don’t ask, don’t tell”. So was he serving his own personal interest with this new political policy and the interest alternative lifestyle community? It really did not serve the best interest of the American people. The vast majority are neither gay nor lesbian.

Many loud mouth Liberals demanded all of America support Barrack H. Obama as President of the United States, before and after he was elected. They easily ignored trillions of dollars disappearing before America’s very eyes, unemployment doubling the horrible George Bush rates. Yet, they saw nothing wrong with Obama policies and procedures. Why, because they were accomplishing their goals of reshaping America. Then reality began to invade too many homes to be ignored.

By the end of 2010 it could not be ignored, Obama did not give a rat’s behind about black people. He apologized to the world on behalf of America. That was not part of his campaign, if it had been, could he have been elected.

Bigots of all favors, chocolate, vanilla and Neapolitan, voted for this man with the impressive ability to read a teleprompter, but had considerable difficulty carrying a conversation with any one before a TV camera. His actions, stumbled responses and comments reveal how much of a two faced, brown on the outside, Bigot he really is, thus we have the, “Uncle Tom in the White House” exposed.

It may be necessary to explain what an Uncle Tom is when used as an insult. That is a person of color, ( Black)  seeking the approval of whites and those in power, at the expense of blacks or their own race. In other words keeping Blacks enslaved for their own gain.

However, the Uncle Tom portrayed in Mark Twains, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, took great risk to help runaway slaves keep on the right trail to freedom and safety. This is certainly not what is in the white house.
Rich and poor liberals alike voted for Obama on the promise of “HOPE AND CHANGE”. It mattered not the color of one’s skin, he only loves power and the change he can cause with it. What will he do in the future truly depends on how many Americans refuse to engage in critical thinking and making informed choices.

Uncle Tom Obama is banking on continued ignorance and bigotry to get reelected. If he is successful, all in America, outside positions of power and compliance, will be equal, that is,  equally yoked and broke. We will all be forced to bear the burden of massive taxation, and massive unemployment and loss of property and rights in the name of CHANGE.

However, to the closed - open minds of the Liberal Congressional Black Caucus, Uncle Tom and Chief had this to say;

[WASHINGTON (AP) — In a fiery summons to an important voting bloc, President Barack Obama told blacks on Saturday to quit crying and complaining and "put on your marching shoes" to follow him into battle for jobs and opportunity.]

http://news.yahoo.com/obama-tells-blacks-stop-complainin-fight-015928905.html  ; and what has his march produced so far?  Beware America, Uncle Tom and Chief is hard at work promoting his destruction of America.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

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Thursday, August 18, 2011

President “B-Rock” Obama bombs out on economic tour

Just Another Thought...

Now that President “B-Rock” Obama has concluded his economic tour, which was little more than another campaign tour, he heads off to Martha’s Vineyard to lick his wounds. This is what many republicans would like us to believe, but may not be the case.

Much could be said about this latest escapade into throngs of the great unwashed executed by Mr. “B-Rock”. Was he hoping for the same roaring crowds of worshipers enjoyed as candidate Obama? If so, he should not have. Many of those he spoke to are in fear of losing their jobs or seeing them transferred out of the country, and being forced to pay even, higher taxes with nothing to show for it.

The former candidate Obama sold snake oil to masses of begrudging, angry, selfish and guilt ridden individuals hoping for a hand out from him to them. Or, a good solid upper cut to the jaw of “those rich white people”. The for mentioned saw themselves as deserving what belonged to someone else and wanted it taken from them and given to those who loved him, by any means necessary, but what did President Obama deliver?

It was no accident legislation materialized quickly and sat waiting to be presented for debate or passage and conveniently for the Democrat Majority Controlled Congress and Presidency. Legislation such as “Obama Care” was not written by Obama and little if any by liberals in Congress, but has all the earmarks of a liberal law school or think tank project. Cap and Trade, though discussed before, strangely took on the wording of a socialist, centralized government agenda. Various other forms of legislation sounded as though written by Marx, Chavez, Mao, Hitler or Stalin. In fact, research reveals similar wording can be found in Health Care Law for Nazi Germany before World War II, just to name on. Coincidence, NOT LIKELY.

What else did President Obama deliver; fundamental change. This he promised to do, but few asked how he was to accomplish such a task. Even fewer acknowledged doing so would require destroying the Constitution, Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence.

These probing questions were stanchly avoided by the liberal media, however those willing to ask were dealt with in “the most tender” of Stalin methods; they could have disappeared forever for asking. Yet, Mr. “B-Rock” has enjoyed the protections of those worshiping his true purpose and intent.

People questioning the validity of his birth certificate are called “Birthers” by the media. But, this same media demanded to see George W. Bush’s military records, and were caught falsifying records to prove their point. In other words, they lied about George W. Bush, but lied for Barrack Husain Obama.

By the way, Mr. Obama does claim to be half white, also. Few asked what his how radical was his Muslim father before he died. No one in the media ask what Obama’s White Grandfather did during World War II, but the media made much noise about McCain being shot down in Vietnam and being a prisoner of war. And it must not be forgotten how fair and honestly the media dealt with Sarah Palin and her family with endless attempts to undermine at every opportunity.

Who remembers Mr. Barrack H. Obama in college? Does anyone remember him in law school? Why hasn’t the media investigated these questions?

It is no wonder why Mr. “B-Rock” does not see women fainting in large crowds as they chanted his name. Reality arrived to each of his stops before his bus tour did.

Unemployment constantly over 9% does not make a crowd of worried people happy. Losing homes, jobs and savings will not give cause for uplifting chants of praise. And, shoving The United States into an additional 4 trillion dollars deeper in debt makes no one happy except true America haters, like him.

If actions were to be the judge, rather than double talk and bookkeeping gimmicks, Obama would be much worse than a massive failure, if improving America was his true intent, but it is not.

He was raised from a child to be a socialist, and as a student he learned to love the Islamic call to worship, as written by him. His closest friends were and are, socialist, Marxist, and criminals. And, he has filled his cabinet and positions of power with like minded individuals. Does he have America’s best interest at heart? No, he wants America turned into a third world Communist country with him in charge.

President Obama is taking a 10 day vacation because he can not “laugh out loud” at having gotten so much over on the “Mighty USA”.

In the hours of darkness, keen one’s ear toward Martha’s Vineyard and listen closely. For what you ask? You are listening for the toast to Mao, Stalin and Hitler for being such great teachers and examples of tyranny.  

Sunday, August 7, 2011

When evil reigns

Just Another Thought...

On August 7, 2011, Sunday evening I received this as an email attachment. I am reposting it for the simple fact it is worth reading and considering.  Would President Obama and his administration murder 30 military personnel including 20 members of “Seal Team 6”? You be the judge after reading the link posted.


Thursday, July 14, 2011

To raise the debt ceiling or not to raise the debt ceiling is not the question

Just Another Thought...

President Obama is now in debates with Republicans over the debt ceiling and all of D.C. is in a tizzy. That’s kind of funny, didn’t he and all the democrats just cry wolf until they got over a trillion dollar stimulus package, spend it, and drive up unemployment to near, 10%?

It is again clear Democrats love to spend “other people’s money”, particularly when buying votes from the largest sector of the country, the poor. Promoting the illusion of a slowly growing economy requires massive amounts of money. 

If “Conservative” Republicans stand in the way of an even larger national debt, this may cost Democrats seats in the next election. This is one of the reasons why President Obama is not listening to the people scream, “No More Money For You!”

Obama has made his position of arrogance clear during negotiations and a confrontation with Eric Cantor.

“The following paraphrased account of what President Obama said next is cobbled together from Democratic and Republican sources:
1. What we're seeing here confirms what the American people think is the worst about Washington: that everyone is more interested in posturing and political positioning and protecting their base than solving real problems
2. Eric, I could get well above the numbers the GOP is talking about with revenue increases.
3.  I am not afraid to veto this and I will take that message and defend it to the American people. 4.  If we default, it will be a tax increase on every American. My responsibility is to the American     people.
5. I have reached the point where I say, 'Enough.'
6. I have sat here long enough and no other President - Ronald Reagan wouldn't sit here like this.
7. I've reached my limit.
8. We've reached the point where something's got to give.
9.  You've either got to compromise on your dollar for dollar insistence or you compromise on the big deal, which means raising taxes.
 10. Eric, don't call my bluff. I will go to the American people on this.
11. This may bring my presidency down, but I will not yield on this.”

The entire article can be read at;  http://news.yahoo.com/obama-vs-cantor-tempers-flare-debt-ceiling-negotiations-132033325.html

Mr. President Obama, you are wrong in all 11 sentences you are accredited with speaking.
1.   1. Americans are not upset with politicians posturing and politically positioning, that is what you people do. The American people are sick and tired of Democrats and Moderate Republicans recklessly spending our money.
2.       2. Yes, you could get well above the numbers with revenue increases, but “We the People” are the providers of that revenue in the form of taxes, fines, fees, etc. Your “getting well above” puts more Americas well below.
3.      3. Mr. President, please veto a practical and intelligent cut spending bill and see how many of you and your fellow Communist Democrats are re-elected in 2012
      4. It will not be a tax increase on every American, nor will America default. There is more than adequate revenues coming into the treasury to pay for appropriate expenditures. The only thing to suffer will be “Progressives” ability to buy votes through pork barrel spending projects. And, who reminded you your responsibility was to the American people? That seems to only apply when Democrats want more money or more power.
5.       5. No Mr. Obama; the American people are saying “enough”. It was said in the past election, and will be said again in 2012.
6.       6. You Sir are nothing close to Ronald Reagan. He released his real Birth Certificate, his real college records, and his real name. You have caused questions in all three areas, and according to Jesse Jackson Sr., you are not even “Black Enough”. Jesse was wrong; your Democrat heart is very black.
7.      7. And???
8.      8. Americans are a giving people, but “We the People” hate thieves, particularly in government.
9.      9. It is clear in the underlined sentence stated by the President of the United States he has no intentions of lowering taxes for any reason. He also has no intention of being the one compromising.
1.   10. Mr. President, do not call the people’s bluff. Mr. Cantor represents the people. Democrats suffered blistering defeats in the last election. This will occur again unless the reckless spending stops immediately. 
      11.  The concept of bringing your Presidency down is at a minimum promising to millions of Americans; however, have you considered how many businesses and lives your policies have destroyed?
      How dangerous is it when the President of the United States forgets he represent the United States? Mr. Obama is showing his true colors through his own words and attitude. How much more income can Americans afford to lose? It appears Obama is of the frame of mind to take everything.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Please tell me it ani’t so; Democrats can’t be digging into Michelle Bachmann and Sarah Palin’s past

Just Another Thought...

A life and career in politics is not for the weak of heart or spirit, but it is ideal for those weak of morals, ethics or character. 

It appears the Democrat Party, the party of liberalism, progressivism and immoral-ism, stands in fear of women, in particular Michelle Bachmann http://minnesotaindependent.com/73682/bachmann-hardball-subpoena-power-un-american-dems ;

Is it not the immoral Democrat Party trumpeting a woman’s right to choose to kill her unborn baby and ignoring the rights of all co-creators in the making of a baby, in particular GOD and men?

Is it not the Democrat Party trumpeting the fairness of state and federal employee unions to be paid higher and higher wages and benefits, even though those payments are coming from taxes, fines, fees and levees, coming from the decreasing income public?

Was it not the Democrat Party ignoring the lack of experience of Barrack Obama in business, or politics, but up held him as the perfect man to be President of the United States? They also failed to say his perfection would be to what end.

This is the same political party demanding to know every detail of Sarah Palin’s life and family in hopes of finding something, anything to discredit.

This is the same political party now seeking to undermine Michelle Bachmann by digging into her background and career with the IRS. This is the same IRS notorious for destroying the Constitution to collect illegal profits in the form of past due taxes.

This is the same Democrat Party claiming to be for the little buy, but voted repeatedly against civil rights laws in the 1950’s and 1960’s.

These are the creators of “Jim Crowe” laws after the civil war and promoted lynching and racial barriers.

The Democrat Party is a political party of hate and evil and lies yet are given permission, through ignorance, to investigate and undermine those opposed to their Satanic Ideology.

Why should they be allowed to investigate anyone or anything until they have been completely, undergone a microscopic investigation and brought to justice for their miss-deeds?

It is very interesting, democrats demand others be investigated for implied wrong doing without any evidence, but they resist being investigated for verified wrong doings. If and when they are investigated or questioned, instantly they seek the protections of the Constitution and Bill of Rights; the very foundations they seek to destroy.

Does this make them hypocrites? Yes, to the highest order serving the lowest of all gods.

Just Another Thought...

Sunday, July 3, 2011

4 Points on beating Mayor Karl Dean in August 2011 election

Just Another Thought...

Karl Dean reigns currently as Mayor of Nashville,Tn. Leading a city of this size, home to an NFL football team, The Grand Old Opry, and home of various other businesses interest, is no easy matter.

In August Nashville, Tn. will have another opportunity to re-elect Karl Dean or give him his walking papers. In some circles victory is certain, due to the list of generally unknown candidates. Hopefully that attitude will continue to permeate the democrat party as a whole.

However, a bit of advice is offered for any challenger seeking an elected seat held by a democrat.Certain facts should be noted about the Democrat Party;
  • They love to spend other people’s money on their pet projects.
  • They deny responsibility if something goes wrong with one of their projects or ideas.
  • They love to accuse Republicans and Conservatives of doing what they do.
  • They love to undermined Christianity and support immorality.
Point 1; Liberals are in alignment with religious doggedness for protecting the environment, while limiting or eliminating human freedoms is mandated by liberals and moderates alike. A picture has been painted of the left and far left, defending and protecting mother earth. This is a good thing, but they should present themselves as supporting their good intentions with their own money, not money forcibly removed from the general public; state taxes, fees, fines, and levies.

Point 2; Democrats run for cover when something goes wrong with one of their ideas. For months raw crude oil spilled into the Gulf of Mexico. This oil well was in the Gulf because environmentalist applied pressure by any means available, to force drilling miles off shore. As a result, wells are drilled in dangerously deep waters.  This is a result of religious environmental liberalism; (save the environment), action. If drilling permits were less restricted and complicated, onshore or shallow water drilling could have been contained and capped the spill with much-less difficulty and spillage.

Point 3; Liberals love to accuse Conservatives of damaging, destroying or causing injury of anything they can. Unfortunately, the media is in on this game. In general, how many conservatives have driven (R/R) rail road spikes into trees to stop loggers? How many conservatives have set fire to car lots full suv’s? How many conservatives passed and enforced “Jim Crowe” laws? These are all democrat or liberal acts, yet they accuse Republicans and Conservatives of doing such things.

Point 4; Liberals and Moderates are limitless in their willingness to undermine all things good for the purpose of completing their agenda. Christianity challenges nearly all their objectives. The largest and most significant challenge comes from the 10 Commandments, or the existence of a “Supreme Being – GOD”. All things Christian must be destroyed if liberals are to be a success. Accepting GOD, as the beginning and end of all things replaces a desire of liberals to be totally unaccountable to anyone for anything. On the other hand, they want all accountable to them.

Any candidate running against a Democrat can make significant gains by spot lighting these points. In politics, all are not the same, but unless the differences are highlighted, all appear to be Republi-Crats; which simply means, candidates are in it for themselves not the people. The best way to defeat a liberal in any election is with truth and facts.  

Friday, July 1, 2011

Mark Halperin got it right

Just Another Thought...

“In my opinion, I thought the President was kind of a dick yesterday.” As stated by Mark Halperin. Somehow, millions seem to have missed, “In my opinion…” Is it no longer legal to possess, consider or have an opinion?

It should be noted, Mark Halperin did not say President Obama was a “dick”, “with big ears”. Such a statement may have gotten him shot by security at MSNBC.  You may view the actual clip at  http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0611/58098.html .

As can be noted or located on line, MSNBC is totally and completely liberal and lacking in willingness to exercise independent intelligent thought. If such an action were too occurred, Fox News may have a challenger.  But, challenging Fox News would require reporting truthfully and accurately of issues and events effecting all Americans.

Should he have been suspended and taken off the air? From a professional and political view point, the answer is - NO.

It should be noted, Halperin did ask if they were on a few seconds delay, before he stated his opinion.
It has become obvious unfavorable opinions of Obama are not tolerated by the bias media. All must tow the party line of liberalism or face the consequences. However, few in liberal media really understand the truth concerning consequences. If Constitutional freedoms and rights are not up help fully and completely, all will fall and suffer the wrath of that fall. And, it will be at the hands of the elitist in charge.

This is the United States of America. There is no constitutionally protected right to be liked, admired or to be right in your action or opinions. That obligation is explained in the bible, which the constitution was based on. Perhaps controlling opinion and speech is such a satanic desire in media that Mark Halperin’s bosses had to take action to appease their god; Obama. He got his feelings hurt. Perhaps Obama should read this peace http://www.theouthousereport.com/1/post/2010/03/on-common-ground-part-1.html

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Palin – McCain family cat fight continues

Just Another Thought...

It appears Sarah Palin isn’t the only “Pit Bull with lipstick”. Daughter Bristol’s new tell all book is reported to offer a far less glamorous picture of the McCain family.

In the real world, which happens to be where people actually work for a living; viewing John McCain’s pathetic attempt at becoming President of the United States was a joke. Life came to his campaign when “unknown” Governor Sarah Palin signed on as his running mate for Vice President.

Suddenly American Conservatives, Republicans and Democrats alike, saw someone worth voting for. She made John McCain appear less, “The Designated Loser”. No long was there a collective pinching of the nose before voting Republican.

Senator John McCain rode the “Maverick Designation” as long as possible, but it was apparent to all his horse was lame. In rode the Alaskan Governor to the rescue, though not strong enough to win, she was the life of an otherwise status quo campaign. This upstaged the snobby McCain family.

Through her Mayberry RFD’ish style, she single handedly filled stadiums and halls. It is no wander Cindy McCain’s book failed to support her. As cat fights go, daughters and sons will often times retaliate.

As reported in;
sparks are sure to fly.

It could get interesting to see what kind of backlash develops from Bristol Palin’s new book. Due to her young age and tenacity, she is surely to be a formidable challenge to the stuffiness of Meghan McCain.

How shall it be called? Will the victory go to the daughter of beer brewing empire and snobbery? Or, is the daughter of a hockey mom ready to take off the hands swinging beer bottles?  This is not going to end soon, but it should be more interesting than watching women mud wrestle and hair pulling.