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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Palin – McCain family cat fight continues

Just Another Thought...

It appears Sarah Palin isn’t the only “Pit Bull with lipstick”. Daughter Bristol’s new tell all book is reported to offer a far less glamorous picture of the McCain family.

In the real world, which happens to be where people actually work for a living; viewing John McCain’s pathetic attempt at becoming President of the United States was a joke. Life came to his campaign when “unknown” Governor Sarah Palin signed on as his running mate for Vice President.

Suddenly American Conservatives, Republicans and Democrats alike, saw someone worth voting for. She made John McCain appear less, “The Designated Loser”. No long was there a collective pinching of the nose before voting Republican.

Senator John McCain rode the “Maverick Designation” as long as possible, but it was apparent to all his horse was lame. In rode the Alaskan Governor to the rescue, though not strong enough to win, she was the life of an otherwise status quo campaign. This upstaged the snobby McCain family.

Through her Mayberry RFD’ish style, she single handedly filled stadiums and halls. It is no wander Cindy McCain’s book failed to support her. As cat fights go, daughters and sons will often times retaliate.

As reported in;
sparks are sure to fly.

It could get interesting to see what kind of backlash develops from Bristol Palin’s new book. Due to her young age and tenacity, she is surely to be a formidable challenge to the stuffiness of Meghan McCain.

How shall it be called? Will the victory go to the daughter of beer brewing empire and snobbery? Or, is the daughter of a hockey mom ready to take off the hands swinging beer bottles?  This is not going to end soon, but it should be more interesting than watching women mud wrestle and hair pulling.

Friday, June 10, 2011

U.S. politicians should be warning Americas of financial crash

Just Another Thought...

Repetitive, appreciated and taken for granted; another day has dawned. But, what happens when a new day dawn and the United States has suffered a financial crash during the night.

China is warning the U.S. Congress to get control of government spending. Congress seems not to be, really listening. President Obama started his reign driving the economy down through legislative manipulation and executive orders. He received the Noble Prize for doing nothing first. This was for the work he was about to do; as stated by a member of the Nobel Prize Committee. But, who is in charge?

The Federal Reserve is in control of the United States money. They do not report to any one. They do not, and have never allowed an audit. The Federal Reserve also owns and controls their own collection service identified as the IRS. This same privately owned establishment also owns and controls most of the United States, through the ownership of the Federal Government. The Federal Government holds over 95% of all mortgages in the country. This means, the Federal Reserve owns 95% of the country.

It must be understood, the owner of the mortgage, is the owner of the property.

Stability of the United States is based on the full faith and credit of the United States. This reveals one very clear and painful fact. The United States is BROKE. It is questionable if there is any real gold in Fort Knox’s’ Vaults the problem is, if there is no gold backing the U.S. dollar, a collapse is imminent.

What happens then

Waking to find the money in your pocket is nearly worthless will spawn massive panic. Nearly all Americans will face the consequences of being broke. Not only will the poor face the pains of poverty, so will the formerly rich and powerful. How could this happen?

A country in massive debt, will take all the money and assets it possibly can from it citizens for the purpose of keeping itself afloat. They will seize 401k’s, savings accounts, investment accounts, and anything of value, they can find.  What will the people do? They will resist and refuse. When this happens, NSA will become the Nazi police and come after them.

Leaking secrets are surfacing in many ways. One of which is the trial of whistle blower Thomas Drake, former manager for NSA. NSA is the primary spy on American citizens for nefarious reasons. Read full story of his trial at;

What can ordinary citizens do

Facing disaster is not new to the human race however surviving is also a habitual trait. Planning and preparation smooth the way a bit. It is essential the American public stop wholesale trusting of politicians. These are the people making laws and regulations they have no intention of following themselves. It is also essential each and every citizens question the actions and intentions of everything said and done by their representatives.

Elected representatives have been bought by global corporations. Politicians use some of their money and a huge amount of other peoples’ money to gain political office. These offices do not offer salaries and benefits in equal proportion to the amount of money it takes to gain office. So what do they gain for the trouble? The backing of big business and selling influence, and as a result they are sold and bought like sex slaves and drug junkies.

It is essential for all Americans to begin immediately preparing for a crash. No one wants to see their lives destroyed, financially or otherwise. Standard business practices are not going to continue to work. Millions are at risk, and millions will be caught and destroyed. For the survival of the public, it is necessary to prepare for trouble. It is not the governments’ responsibility to keep the citizens profitable and healthy. Surviving is up to the individual.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Bacterial meningitis is a medical and political disease

Just Another Thought...
Contagious and infectious diseases are the cause of death for millions around the world. Bacterial meningitis is no exception however; this strain of meningitis could have political and medical ramifications.

What is medical bacteria meningitis?

(Meningitis is an infection of the fluid in the spinal cord and the fluid that surrounds the brain. Meningitis is usually caused by an infection with a virus or a bacterium. Knowing whether meningitis is caused by a virus or a bacterium is important because of differences in the seriousness of the illness and the treatment needed.
VIRAL MENINGITIS is usually relatively mild. It clears up within a week or two without specific treatment. Viral meningitis is also called aseptic meningitis.

BACTERIAL MENINGITIS is much more serious. It can cause severe disease that can result in brain damage and even death.

This definition and link is provided for information purposes. It is important to have an idea of what causes such a dangerous and even deadly disease.

What is Political meningitis?

Political meningitis is an infection of liberalism, progressivism , communism, Marxism, Nazism, or other anti – individual (ism)s infecting the spinal cord, which is the political system ,or brain; which is the people -  legal citizens of a country. This is specific to a representative republic form of government such as in the United States.

Any collective of individuals with the intent of controlling citizens of the United States through biased laws, lies and (ism) types of manipulation, are guilty of spreading the disease.

How is the disease spread?

The disease of bacterial meningitis is spread in the manner revealed below.

(The germs live naturally in the back of our noses and throats, but they do not live for long outside the body.  They are spread when people exchange saliva (such as by kissing; sharing drinking containers, utensils, or cigarettes).

The germ does not cause meningitis in most people.  Instead, most people become carriers of the germ for days, weeks, or even months.  The bacteria rarely overcome the body’s immune system and cause meningitis or another serious illness.)

A more complete description can be read at the provided link.

How is political meningitis spread?

An infectious political disease is much like a medical one. This particular disease spreads by personsal contact and by air waves. Political meningitis travels from mouths of the infected into the ears of the unknowing and uninformed. It contaminates the minds, bodies and souls of every accepting individual through various forms. 

The most common and current forms are;
Promised fairness – deceptive in its intent due to the fact life is not fair. When fairness is offered, it is usually judged and regulated by the least honest group or groups of all.

Promised equality - deceptive in its conceptual beginning and deadly in its reality end. All men are created equal in the eyes of God, however all men have the ability to make choices, and will suffer the consequences of poor choices or gain the benefits of wise choices. In the end, all men must answer to God for their choices and actions.

Promised utopia – a nonexistent place existing in at nonexistent time, with nonexistent people. The closest existence of utopia is in the United States when following Constitutional and biblical foundations, not other religions and beliefs. Utopia in countries under (ism) forms of government is sometimes enjoyed by those in leadership or on the correct side of power with the (ism’s). All others suffer the wrath of evil men and women in power. Examples; In Cambodia, over a million murdered by the government. USSR, millions murdered by their government. China, millions murdered by their government, just to name three.  

(Ism) government is strongly favored by the Democrat party because of its promise to give them complete and ultimate control over the people. However, the party has been taken over by the (ism) they embraced as a partner. Now, they have lost control of their own party.

What is treatment is recommended for (ism), democrats and liberals?

Treatment for this disease is much simpler and easier than living with it. Only a few things need be done on a regular, daily basis, to see fast and lasting results.

1.      Seek out and watch conservative TV, listen to Conservative radio, talk to conservative people.
2.      Read and study the Christian Holy Bible. This is a manual for the living in this world of the living dead. It has a 100% accuracy rate on prophecies and is likely to maintain that ranking in the future.
3.      Refer to step 1 and 2 daily.

America can be prosperous again. Our form of government is not bad in fact; it is the most productive and honest in the world. But, it is at risk of destruction by evil people within the government itself. Some elected, others appointed and still others just plain hired hands. It is up to the American people to protect and preserve what we have inherited, otherwise our heirs will inherit nothing of value. What we are as a country is referred to at; http://www.examiner.com/political-buzz-in-nashville/it-stands-the-american-flag-1 .

May God Bless the Representative Republic of the United States of America.

Is this the end of Rep. Anthony Weiner (D), 7 times elected congressman from N.Y. city

Just Another Thought...

It appears Congressman Anthony Weiner has cleared up the confusion of his “certitude” concerning a crotch shot sent to a college girl in the state of Washington.

 On Monday Weiner held a half hour news conference in which he admitted guilt for the crotch photo and contacting 6 different women in an illicit manner. He also said he had never physically touched any of those women, and had never cheated on his wife. That is good for him, but what does it change? He still sent a picture of his privates across the web to a woman, not his wife.

His apologizes, possibly earnest and honest may or may not save his political career. Members of his own party, Democrats, appear in public not to be warm and fuzzy towards him. This may or may not be accurate. Democrats have a history of promoting perversions in actions and in political rankings.

However, consider what was printed in this AP story;

[(House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi and other members of the Democratic leadership voiced their disappointment in Weiner and pointedly urged the House ethics committee to launch an investigation to determine if the outspoken New York Democrat broke House rules. Their calls came shortly after the married Weiner's profuse public apology for "inappropriate" online exchanges with six women.
Pelosi pronounced herself "deeply disappointed and saddened.")

Is this so-called disappointment real, coming from the woman who lied consistently to the American people about the Health Care Bill? One of her most grand and damning statements ever made basically said, “Pass it and then we can see what’s in it.” That was said when she was passing Health Care against the will of the American People.
For what she, the Democrat Party, and Liberal progressives in Congress has done to the American Economy, they should all be in jail for treason.
But, “We the People”, are supposed to believe an investigation will produce some form of justice and correction. M’s Pelosi, Justice is not what your investigations produce when investigating Democrats. Those investigated are usually forgiven, slapped on the wrist and then promoted.
Being “deeply disappointed and saddened” means nothing coming from the party of liars and the most intolerant. If there is to be some form of justice and correction, let him face the same out come as New York Representative Christopher Lee. Or is that being too harsh to an “openly perverted and arrogant liberal?
Those elected to political office should be held to a higher standard, regardless of their political affiliation. If gravitation to the lowest common denominator continues to be the norm, Thug-ocracy is what the United States political system will be. The Federal government has already made great strides in that direction. It is time to put a stop to the “spiral downward” of political immorality and ethics. May God bless the Representative Republic of the United States of America.


Saturday, June 4, 2011

Is Nashville’s mayoral race under a bias media spot light

Just Another Thought...

By now the word is out, “Michael Craddock “will not be running for mayor of Nashville, Tn. It only takes entering his name into a search engine browser to discover the news. Of a former field of five contenders, only four remain as qualified, for now.

Metro Councilman Craddock indicated problems raising sufficient funds to present a suitable challenge to incumbent Mayor Karl Dean, as his reason for stepping aside. In the current economic climate, that can be an acceptable reason. However’ James Keeton, Marvin Barnes, and Bruce Casper remain in the race. Could these three be called “The Three Invisibles”?

A brief search on the web reveals little if any news about these three men. It could be questionable if they even exist. Little coverage can be easily found on any of them, yet an abundance of information, ideas and intention overflows from the media concerning current Mayor Karl Dean. Is this by accident, not likely.

Media seems to be over looking those with intent to challenge the sitting mayor. It is understandable media would cover the person currently in office, but showing some interest in challengers, is just good reporting.

Sparse coverage is better than no coverage, and fair investigation bets them all. Who is James Keeton, what 
is his view for the city, should he become mayor? Does anyone know? Has anyone asked?  The same goes for Bruce Casper and Marvin Barnes. It is understood these men would not have the name recognition of social media site facebook, actor James Arness or the infamous Jack Kevorkian, but they should not be “The Invisible Three” either.

If popular media, being print and television does not cover other candidates in earnest, what does that say about the media? It says they are lacking or at best apathetic towards keeping the public informed. This makes it easy for non-journalist types to get the “scoop” on the next big story, but that is what was done with Barack Obama; the media was asleep or complicit.

The future of Nashville is too important to have candidates on the ballot no one knows anything about. Suppose Mayor Dean lost his re-election to one of his contenders? What if the winner was as unqualified to be Mayor of Nashville, as Obama is to be President of the United States? Who would the media blame for the defeat? They certainly would not blame themselves for failing to accurately and honestly get all the information out to the general public.

If the other candidates are poor choices, let it be known and let the citizens of Nashville decide. Only printing or promoting the incumbents side of things dishonors the system, the media and the Mayor. Being fair and balanced saves and serves us all. May God save the Republic of the United States and Nashville, Tennessee.


Friday, June 3, 2011

Can a $925K indictment for the cover-up of his mistress muss John Edward’s hair

Former Senator and two time Presidential hopeful John Edwards is now facing more challenges and difficulties. Now he must defend his actions of infidelity, fathering a child and attempting to hide his staff worker and pregnant lover from public view. When the truth was discovered, his campaign and his life fell apart.

Challenged with campaigning for the nod from the Democrat Party and having his wife suffering from terminal cancer, he found himself struggling to maintain his façade of being a loving family man and dedicated husband. 
And, all the while preserving his mistress, pregnant or not, on the side.

Is it any wonder his reward was to lose his wife, Elizabeth Edwards to cancer? This woman stood  beside him as long as she could. Mr. Edwards also lost his bid to win the nod from the Democrat Party to Barrack H. Obama; the first “not black enough” President - according to Jessie Jackson. And, to father an out-of-wedlock child with M’s Rielle Hunter, which he denied as long as he could. Now he must answer to a $925,000 indictment; all because he was having an affair and tried to hide it and his daughter.

AP article written by Tom Breen and Nedra Pickler, quotes are in italics.
["As this indictment shows, we will not permit candidates for high office to abuse their special ability to access the coffers of their political supporters to circumvent our election laws," said Assistant Attorney General Lanny Breuer, head of the Justice Department's criminal division.]

Will Assistant Attorney General Lanny Breuer also apply the same firm hand of justice to his bosses, Eric Holder and Barrack H. Obama? President Obama has yet to supply the sources of millions of dollars raised over the internet during Presidential Campaign 2008.

[Edwards was charged with conspiracy, receiving illegal campaign contributions and making false statements for keeping the spending off of the campaign's public finance reports.]

If it is an indictable offense for the man who did not win the highest office in the land, should not the same rule apply to the man who did?   

[If convicted, he faces a maximum penalty of five years in prison and a $250,000 fine on each of the six counts. First-time white-collar offenders in federal cases are usually not sent to prison, but the Justice Department typically presses for at least a short stint behind bars for public officials.]  

To read
the complete story go to; http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/us_edwards_investigation

It should not be assumed John Edwards is going to go to jail for a number of reasons. As a multi-millionaire, before he went to D.C., he can afford more of the best lawyers than he has now. Also as a form Senator, he knows where some of the skeletons are buried. And, more importantly he is a liberal caught making a love child. It appears for liberals, the lower the ethics and morality; the higher the ranking. This should put John Edwards near par with Barrack H. Obama.