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Sunday, February 27, 2011

Oil In The Palms of Power Robs America of Her Freedom and Liberty

Just Another Thought...

Millions of Americans are at the mercy of imported oil from foreign nations. Most, if not all of these nations are anti-America, anti-Christian and anti-freedom. Politicians and globalist alike are using the manufactured oil crisis to undermined and destroy the America they hate.

Vast oil reserves have been placed off limits by the Clinton administration, and lied about by the Obama administration. The problem is not a shortage of oil. The problem is the leadership of evil people with the interest of creating a utopia of their own making. Why would they do this?

People in power with a lust for power and a love of Satan, will sell their soul for what they desire; regardless of the consequences. Consider this; if America is self sufficient with oil, The Federal Reserve has less control. This will also make those who make money from the sell of money through money lending, less powerful because, domestic oil would be many times cheaper than imported oil. This lower price removes the strangle hold off the necks of the United States Public.

Clinton and Obama are not the only villains in this scam, all in the D.C. political apparatus are aware of the fact the U.S. has more than enough oil to function productively for many decades to come. However, political and business interest want control of the public. A public that self governs has the ability and will to discover and expose crooks of all types and political interest. These two Democrat Presidents are specified because they are in the party that claims to love the little people. This is a lie. If Democrats loved little people, they would not defend the right to kill defenseless babies in the womb at every opportunity. Yet, protects the life of the unborn in animals." What does this have to do with oil?

Much more than the public thinks. Crude oil is used in the making of fuel oil, gasoline, diesel and hundreds of other products. Pantyhose, jell caps, tires, fabric fibers are just a few of the items made from crude oil. In simple terms, crude is the food on every American table; the clothes on every Americans back and the life of a nation. If the public demands eviromentalist be silent and allow drilling within the U.S. borders, America will prosper again. For details about U.S. oil reserves visit this link  http://www.usgs.gov/newsroom/article.asp?ID=1911