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Sunday, September 25, 2011

.The Biggest “Uncle Tom” in History Resides in the White House

Just Another Thought...

Congratulations are due for the Democrat Party and their Communist Progressive movement to destroy the United States. Never before has such a collective force of anti-God, anti-Christain, anti-Liberty, and anti-Freedom, with extreme personal wealth, shown such hatred for the United States of America and its formerly largest none white voting block; the blacks and poor whites.

In 2008, massive crowds gathered to listen to the words of a young Senator from Illinois running for President of the United States. Individuals fell faint waiting for him to speak and others fainted for unspecified reasons during his speeches. Oh what a time it was to be black. Across the nation it could be heard, “We are about to have our own Black President”. And, so it was. America was given what was portrayed to be the first black president, but not so fast. There were many unanswered question and even more unasked by the media.

News Media across the U.S. refused to dig into his past as they had his Republican challengers. Was that a black thing, or just plain racist? The media did not ask about his membership in the “Man's Country” in Chicago. They certainly had to know about his gay or bi-sexual interest, but there are many in power performing in closets in D.C. and centers of power.  This could have remained a personal issue had it not been for “don’t ask, don’t tell”. So was he serving his own personal interest with this new political policy and the interest alternative lifestyle community? It really did not serve the best interest of the American people. The vast majority are neither gay nor lesbian.

Many loud mouth Liberals demanded all of America support Barrack H. Obama as President of the United States, before and after he was elected. They easily ignored trillions of dollars disappearing before America’s very eyes, unemployment doubling the horrible George Bush rates. Yet, they saw nothing wrong with Obama policies and procedures. Why, because they were accomplishing their goals of reshaping America. Then reality began to invade too many homes to be ignored.

By the end of 2010 it could not be ignored, Obama did not give a rat’s behind about black people. He apologized to the world on behalf of America. That was not part of his campaign, if it had been, could he have been elected.

Bigots of all favors, chocolate, vanilla and Neapolitan, voted for this man with the impressive ability to read a teleprompter, but had considerable difficulty carrying a conversation with any one before a TV camera. His actions, stumbled responses and comments reveal how much of a two faced, brown on the outside, Bigot he really is, thus we have the, “Uncle Tom in the White House” exposed.

It may be necessary to explain what an Uncle Tom is when used as an insult. That is a person of color, ( Black)  seeking the approval of whites and those in power, at the expense of blacks or their own race. In other words keeping Blacks enslaved for their own gain.

However, the Uncle Tom portrayed in Mark Twains, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, took great risk to help runaway slaves keep on the right trail to freedom and safety. This is certainly not what is in the white house.
Rich and poor liberals alike voted for Obama on the promise of “HOPE AND CHANGE”. It mattered not the color of one’s skin, he only loves power and the change he can cause with it. What will he do in the future truly depends on how many Americans refuse to engage in critical thinking and making informed choices.

Uncle Tom Obama is banking on continued ignorance and bigotry to get reelected. If he is successful, all in America, outside positions of power and compliance, will be equal, that is,  equally yoked and broke. We will all be forced to bear the burden of massive taxation, and massive unemployment and loss of property and rights in the name of CHANGE.

However, to the closed - open minds of the Liberal Congressional Black Caucus, Uncle Tom and Chief had this to say;

[WASHINGTON (AP) — In a fiery summons to an important voting bloc, President Barack Obama told blacks on Saturday to quit crying and complaining and "put on your marching shoes" to follow him into battle for jobs and opportunity.]

http://news.yahoo.com/obama-tells-blacks-stop-complainin-fight-015928905.html  ; and what has his march produced so far?  Beware America, Uncle Tom and Chief is hard at work promoting his destruction of America.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

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