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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Does 2012 Mayan Calendar Spell End for Obama

Just Another Thought..

2012 – President Obama Deadline

Words written in black and white are of little consideration to Barack Obama, and the Progressive Democrat party. By their actions they are telling the American people how little they think of the Constitution, The Declaration of Independence and the Holy Bible. Little consideration is given to voices of outrage from the American people; they pushed on with a socialist agenda. It could be said they are intent on accomplishing some unspoken objective before the 2012 Mayan Calendar reaches its end.

If the calendar ends December 21, 2012 is that the end of the United States as we know it? Is this what the Communist Administration in the White House preparing for? If so, they are planning to survive and be in control of whoever survives.

Millions cheered the arrival of Barack Obama into the White House. Now, millions more are out of work and giving up hope. Are the two related in some unspoken way? Yes, they are.

No one knows exactly what will happen in 2012, but something is developing and likely not good. Over 53% of the American public say no to health care, yet big government is pushing ahead. They are the ones’ that created this mess in health care through unfunded mandates and back room deals. In the end, the American people are left to pay the bill and loose our freedoms to China when they claim our National Park System as theirs. Yes they would do that.

Is the entire affair the fault of Obama, no, but the blame stops with him just as it did with Bush when he was President. Congress does not go without blame. They pass the spending laws and surrendered their authority to the special interest groups for campaign funds. Doing so does not make them statesmen. It makes them Prostitutes. Where does this leave the American people? Once again, paying the bill through higher taxes. Our best hope will be in November when we can vote out most of the high dollar low life’s. This vote is more important than ever before.   

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