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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Is this the end of Rep. Anthony Weiner (D), 7 times elected congressman from N.Y. city

Just Another Thought...

It appears Congressman Anthony Weiner has cleared up the confusion of his “certitude” concerning a crotch shot sent to a college girl in the state of Washington.

 On Monday Weiner held a half hour news conference in which he admitted guilt for the crotch photo and contacting 6 different women in an illicit manner. He also said he had never physically touched any of those women, and had never cheated on his wife. That is good for him, but what does it change? He still sent a picture of his privates across the web to a woman, not his wife.

His apologizes, possibly earnest and honest may or may not save his political career. Members of his own party, Democrats, appear in public not to be warm and fuzzy towards him. This may or may not be accurate. Democrats have a history of promoting perversions in actions and in political rankings.

However, consider what was printed in this AP story;

[(House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi and other members of the Democratic leadership voiced their disappointment in Weiner and pointedly urged the House ethics committee to launch an investigation to determine if the outspoken New York Democrat broke House rules. Their calls came shortly after the married Weiner's profuse public apology for "inappropriate" online exchanges with six women.
Pelosi pronounced herself "deeply disappointed and saddened.")

Is this so-called disappointment real, coming from the woman who lied consistently to the American people about the Health Care Bill? One of her most grand and damning statements ever made basically said, “Pass it and then we can see what’s in it.” That was said when she was passing Health Care against the will of the American People.
For what she, the Democrat Party, and Liberal progressives in Congress has done to the American Economy, they should all be in jail for treason.
But, “We the People”, are supposed to believe an investigation will produce some form of justice and correction. M’s Pelosi, Justice is not what your investigations produce when investigating Democrats. Those investigated are usually forgiven, slapped on the wrist and then promoted.
Being “deeply disappointed and saddened” means nothing coming from the party of liars and the most intolerant. If there is to be some form of justice and correction, let him face the same out come as New York Representative Christopher Lee. Or is that being too harsh to an “openly perverted and arrogant liberal?
Those elected to political office should be held to a higher standard, regardless of their political affiliation. If gravitation to the lowest common denominator continues to be the norm, Thug-ocracy is what the United States political system will be. The Federal government has already made great strides in that direction. It is time to put a stop to the “spiral downward” of political immorality and ethics. May God bless the Representative Republic of the United States of America.


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