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Saturday, June 4, 2011

Is Nashville’s mayoral race under a bias media spot light

Just Another Thought...

By now the word is out, “Michael Craddock “will not be running for mayor of Nashville, Tn. It only takes entering his name into a search engine browser to discover the news. Of a former field of five contenders, only four remain as qualified, for now.

Metro Councilman Craddock indicated problems raising sufficient funds to present a suitable challenge to incumbent Mayor Karl Dean, as his reason for stepping aside. In the current economic climate, that can be an acceptable reason. However’ James Keeton, Marvin Barnes, and Bruce Casper remain in the race. Could these three be called “The Three Invisibles”?

A brief search on the web reveals little if any news about these three men. It could be questionable if they even exist. Little coverage can be easily found on any of them, yet an abundance of information, ideas and intention overflows from the media concerning current Mayor Karl Dean. Is this by accident, not likely.

Media seems to be over looking those with intent to challenge the sitting mayor. It is understandable media would cover the person currently in office, but showing some interest in challengers, is just good reporting.

Sparse coverage is better than no coverage, and fair investigation bets them all. Who is James Keeton, what 
is his view for the city, should he become mayor? Does anyone know? Has anyone asked?  The same goes for Bruce Casper and Marvin Barnes. It is understood these men would not have the name recognition of social media site facebook, actor James Arness or the infamous Jack Kevorkian, but they should not be “The Invisible Three” either.

If popular media, being print and television does not cover other candidates in earnest, what does that say about the media? It says they are lacking or at best apathetic towards keeping the public informed. This makes it easy for non-journalist types to get the “scoop” on the next big story, but that is what was done with Barack Obama; the media was asleep or complicit.

The future of Nashville is too important to have candidates on the ballot no one knows anything about. Suppose Mayor Dean lost his re-election to one of his contenders? What if the winner was as unqualified to be Mayor of Nashville, as Obama is to be President of the United States? Who would the media blame for the defeat? They certainly would not blame themselves for failing to accurately and honestly get all the information out to the general public.

If the other candidates are poor choices, let it be known and let the citizens of Nashville decide. Only printing or promoting the incumbents side of things dishonors the system, the media and the Mayor. Being fair and balanced saves and serves us all. May God save the Republic of the United States and Nashville, Tennessee.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I happened to search for Mr. Marvin Barnes and found this blog and to my knowledge these are good contenders to go against Dean, but the media isn't giving the coverage needed! I know of Marvin Barnes, he is a MNPS bus driver, known to have good intentions with the working class and straight foward person. I just would like to see the media put them in the spotlight, but Deans money must be too good.