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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Progressives Ignored Warnings

The special election in Massachusetts has ended and with it the songs of Camelot. John F. Kennedy ran his campaign in a manner to be admired as the under dog and won the Presidency in memorable fashion. This can also be said for Massachusetts State Senator Scott Brown.

A candidate known mostly in his home state of Massachusetts gained unexpected national attention when he began closing the gap on his Democrat opponent. He garnered little attention against Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley prior to this. Elected into her position on the Democrat platform, she also exercised her authority in much the same manner. She was considered early on to be a shoe in; nearly guaranteed to win the now vacant Senate seat in Washington, D.C. This was and is no small matter.

Martha Coakley was portrayed a desirable fit for the now empty seat, and thought to be capable of filling the shoes former Senator Teddy Kennedy of Mass. To do so she would have to be extremely liberal, or totally progressive (socialist), and willing to do what ever it took to accomplish the Democratic agenda. Indications are she would have qualified very well.

However, to the extent J.F.K’s wining of the presidency was greeted with great fanfare and expectations, the defeat of Democrat Martha Coakley, by a come from behind Republican, was equally devastating. As impressive as the rhetoric spewed by President Obama before ascending to the Presidency; equally shattering is the defeat handed the Democrat party in Mass. The warning signs were displayed as prominently as a light house on the Massachusetts shoreline at night warning of danger. Yet, the captains of the Democrat party refused to heed the warning.

This is not the first time the light of warning was ignored by the party of the working man, and Democrat leadership should not have been surprised by the outcome. In November the states of New Jersey and Virginia handed defeat to the Democrat candidate by electing Republicans instead. It is clear this warning was ignored, preferring to maintain a course of the progressive democratic agenda.

Millions of citizens marched on Washington demanding Nationalized Health Care be stopped. However, the Progressive Leadership in control of Washington refused to hear. Democrats tried Ram Roding Cap and Traded into law, and the people protested in throngs against it. With these opportunities to change course, it is no surprise they are stunned by Coakley’s defeat when they refused to listen to the people.

In view of what has happened to the Democrat Candidates in the last twelve months, November 2010’s mid-term elections could be a nightmare for Democrats. However, Republican should not feel they are in the driver’s seat. Their performance has been at best, lacking.

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