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Sunday, January 17, 2010

Soured Dream

Looking across the vast expanse of the United States and all its territories, it might be noted what has been forgotten, misrepresented or face eradication. People by the thousands are being discounted and discarded by this administration in much greater numbers than ever before. Companies have been taken over by the federal government in support of and of benefit of union bosses, and mega investors. Such actions are leaving workers to fend for themselves while living on peanuts. Other companies are being forced out of the country by the misuse of our tax structure, and lawsuits by none government and government agencies. In addition all Americans face possible passage of socialist democrat health care, and other so-called reforms.

All this appears to be the work of people having deliberately ignored or twisted what has been written in our Constitution and Declaration of Independency. Did they not read the same words, “We the people…” in the preamble to the Constitution?

In 1963, on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. called the attention of the world to the plight of the people of color in the United States. In part he stated:

“When the architects of our Republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir. This note was a promise that all men--yes, black men as well as white men--would be guaranteed the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."

The promissory note spoken of by Dr. King has been steadily diluted primarily by Communist thinking Democrats and every administration since President Johnson. The promissory note has been remortgaged by each new president and each new congress until few remember the Constitution states in part; “…would be guaranteed the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” The guaranteeing of unalienable rights; is not a promise for the government to deliver life, liberty, or happiness, to anyone.

Yet, we now have government officials attempting to do this exact thing, as the governments see fit. Dr. King saw the denial of the opportunity to pursue these liberties as a high crime against the laws of God, and an affront to the Constitution and Declaration of Independence. His dream of seeing this nation rise up was what he worked his life for, and died for, like many others; trying to accomplish. Yet, our nation is being torn down not only by our enemies outside our boarders, but more destructively by our leadership within.

"Free at last, Free at last, Thank God A-mighty, We are free at last."

I’m sorry Dr. King, but the day you gave your forever to be remembered, “I have a dream speech”, was a beautiful apex on the mountain from which all of American and the world has descended after your death.

The way to freedom and liberty has been shown by many starting with a freed slave named Crispus Attucks when he died on March 5, 1770, protesting the British government, resulting in the Boston Massacre. He had the integrity to fight for the country that enslaved him because he knew what tyranny was. He,d lived it.

The way to preserve freedom and liberty has been shown by the brave men and women who fought the wars to preserve this country for their posterity; being us. We have been shown through the battles for civil rights in which Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Malcom X, Medger Evers, and many other gave up their lives so that we might be free.

And, today we are being shown how to loose our freedom and liberty by the lies and tactics of our politicians, minority leaders, elitist, and foreign manipulations. America is being destroyed for the greater good of the mighty few. Those hating American and its people will have their way unless Americans stand up and say, “We have had enough of you - your fired. Now, get out of my house.”

We have been shown the way, but are there enough of us who remember.

References: "I Have a Dream" by; Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
World Book Encyclopedia

© January 2010 L. M. O’Neal

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