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Thursday, February 11, 2010

Is Progressive - The New Google Buzz Word?

Just a thought...

For the past year Americans have been beat-up with the implied need for social health care.  In poll after poll, views from the American public said, “no we do not need or want government health care,” For some reason, those sentiments were beyond the range of hearing for Progressives in Washington, D.C.  Why is that?

Did politicians in Washington and many state legislatures assume the majority were too involved with the upcoming super bowl to notice what was happening?  Did the politicians think if we were overly caught up with the latest version of the ipad, or some other new gadget, no one would notice their indifference?

Sorry Mr. and M’s Politician but, Americans and the entire world are listening.  From the beginning the voting public has been ignored and minimized by the progressive media, politicians, educators, entertainers, etc…  Much too often referred to as, “bible thumpers” or “gun lovers”.  Most freedom understanding Americans would likely say thank you for noticing – now leave my Constitution alone.

America’s overall, are not as ignorant and uninformed as the elitist would like us to be.  The awakening of the populous did not occur when Sarah Palin burst onto the political scene, it was already occurring. We did not require the steadily increasing threats coming from Iran to enlist our attention - we already knew they were a threat.  That fact was proven by former President Jimmy Carter.

The patriotic sector of America, which is the majority, do not feel chills up and down our legs when Barack or Michelle Obama speak.  If pollsters were to properly construct their questions, they would find the majority of Americans prefer all progressives go someplace far away, like Sri Lanka or Antarctica and remain there.  Again, this fact is ignored by progressives on both sides of the isle. To be more precise, the winter blizzard which slammed into the northeast region of the country, during the weekend of February 5, 6 &7 has been described as snowpocalypse.  The description may have been accurate for the weather conditions but, is also appropriate for emotions and attitudes of the American populous at present toward the progressive agenda and leadership in Washington.

It is clear to anyone desiring to look, more is afoot than difference in political perspectives. Being ignored and enduring name calling from the people elected by the citizenry is not only an insult – it expresses the eloquence of educated ignorance. What does it offer to the concepts of freedom and liberty?  Death, destruction, and slavery will be rewarded to the followers of haters of this country, and the God we believe in.

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