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Thursday, February 25, 2010

“P.O.O.R.” – Progressive Obama Offensive Restructuring

Just Another Thought...
Barack Obama Health Care Summit, Ha

Progressive Obama Offensive Restructuring televised Thursday the Health Care summit. It did not go the way Progressives planned. In an honest viewing of summit, President Obama was clearly the moderator. In such capacity he failed the fairness test. He did not allow for balanced discussion, nor did he accept alternative suggestions from Republicans.

If the Republicans are the party of NO; democrats presented themselves as the Communist Party. If viewed in that capacity, any one supporting any Government Controlled Health Care Bill is supporting the complete destruction of America.

What does the United States Citizen have to lose? To answer this question, consider what you have now.

A citizen can buy any health care program they can afford. This includes the most expensive policy money can buy and use it within policy confines and limitations. The holder of a private policy does not need to consult or submit to government over-site of treatment desire, or needed. This is left to regulation by state law not federal law.

If you can’t afford insurance, use of the emergency room and free clinics are available. In ER treatment is still given. If in doubt, ask the illegals. They use it all the time. Under Obama’s plan; government healthcare will control hospital ER use. So much for quick treatment.

Under P.O.O.R. in Health Care, We the People are not being listened to. We are the irrelevant. Pelosi, Obama and Reid is also P.O.R., and see themselves gods and goddess of evil. If in doubt, how many abortions will this health care bill, as it is written, prevent being performed stop?

The current job losses are increasing however, Democrats don’t seem to understand government health care will increase the recession, and sky rocket unemployment. In truth, Washington acts like they are uninformed. The truth is they know exactly what will happen to unemployment. They know it will drive more people out of jobs and business. Once the jobs are gone, more people will have to depend on the government.

This smells like an FDR and Woodrow Wilson design for the New Deal.  Or more accurately, the set up of creating NAZI GERMANY AND THE SOVIET UNION. I may be over stating the current situation however, 262 million dead in communist countries can’t be wrong. What we say today was Progressive Politics.


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