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Saturday, February 20, 2010

Progressive’s Path to Power and Personal Destruction

Just Another Thought...

“No one making under $250K a year will see a tax increase. -  Candidate Barack Obama”.

Millions believed one of the most often used progressive lies in history. It is also one of the most often violated promises used in the last 90 years. Repeatedly, progressive politicians, of both parties, have used the power of envy and greed to push their agenda.

How it works is simple; rather than focus on the root of the problem, which is creating dependency on a government system, and not one’s own self – community, fosters the sense of protection and help coming from the government. In doing so, government takes control of people’s lives to the demise of the person. Those seeking control of the people use the power of weakness, to undermine the strong and make them weaker and dependent. As a result all become weaker morally, financially, and politically.

Weakening the people has been systematically applied from Presidents Woodrow Wilson; both Roosevelt’s, Johnson, Kennedy, Carter, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama, and to a much lesser degree by Ragan. All were Presidents of the United States and implemented some degree of socialism by small incremental steps.

Income taxes are progressive, steadily eating larger and larger portions of private income in the name of fairness. Social Security is applying a safety net to catch those not providing for their own future retirement. Problem is the promised social security payments are not enough to live on, without major living restrictions. Billions paid into the system become part of the general receipts to the federal government and are spent for pet projects, ignoring the original intent of the tax. What’s left is an IOU promising to replace the money. Partakers of this action in corporate America go straight to jail but, why is it legal for the government to do?

Most Federal and state programs claiming designs to help the people are in truth, designed to weaken the independence of the people while strengthening the governments control over the people. The cure for this leaching away of freedom and liberty is not simple but, can be done. The first step is to make yourself responsible for your actions and decision, not the government. Taking this step forces you, the individual, to think twice before doing something costly or dangerous.     

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