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Sunday, February 21, 2010

Progressive Federal Bullying

Just Another Thought...

We can all imagine or remember taking evasive routes home or cowering in a corner hoping to be ignored by a bully. As disgusting as such acts are the same methods of intimidation, bullying, are being exerted on the American people, by the Federal Government. The Progressive Federal Government is the top bully in the pig pin.

Bullying is not restricted to schools, private, or public work places. Massive in its organization, the Federal and State Governments have grown to become the number one employer in the nation. Along with this growth comes an ever increasing demand for funds to pay these new hirers and new programs. As a method of increasing revenue, federal harassment of the citizens is on the rise. It matters not they are working for the people. In the current culture of greed and control, servants are now giving orders to the masters – or so it seems.

Attitudes of elected and nonelected officials have created a climate of distrust and resentment among the tax payers. These are the same people burdened with paying unjustified fees, taxes and increases. An attitude of superiority and indifference permeating the bureaucratic strong hold portrays the citizens as the having childlike behavior, when objections are raised. As a result, the government employee takes a stance of parenthood, which they have no authority for.  And more insulting are those purporting themselves as disciplinarians. Such behavior is tantamount to bullying, abusive attitudes and behavior.

Ben Leichtling state clearly on his blog; http://www.bulliesbegoneblog.com , how disgusting such acts are. Not only that but, he goes on to layout methods of dealing with bullies. As great as this reading may be, can it be applied to government employees?

Conservatives salivate at the idea of removing President Barack Obama from office, and often blame him for piggish attitudes suffocating most government offices. Sorry, the problem arrived; rooted, and spread like a Union Fungus long before he arrived. The attitude in and of itself is a manifestation of those of low character in high office, or at least government jobs.

It is to be noted; not all government employees suffer an attitude stink. It does not take many to cause a gathering of flies around the entire building. Changing attitudes of the fly magnets falls first on their coworkers. By failing to confront bad attitudes and bullies, in the name of job protection, the good become cowards and victims of the bad.

Labor Unions, Progressive Educators, and the Federal Government are masters of the Art of Bullying. Take as an example, The IRS. This agency is one of the top bullies in the federal pig pin. They are used by elected and appointed officials as a tool of control, intimidation, harassment, and wealth redistribution – among other things. They are on the attack from the day a person is born in the United States. Lie, cheat, and steal using a continuous state of legal confusion beyond the day a person dies.

Death being the final frontier, of which we know little facts about, is no excuse allowable to the IRS. They pursue the person, or rather their assets into the grave. This method is known as the Estate Tax. Thieves have no honor, even among themselves. This should be remembered by the Obama administration and Timothy Gietner.

Assaulting Americans has become such a way of life, Uncle Sam is leaving no stone unturned. Bullying is being exercised through taxes, fees, government health care, cap and trade and on and on. When will this end? That is a decision, We the People must make. Will the citizens continue to allow the Big Fat self serving bully to eat our lunch and take our lunch money? Or, are we mad as hell, and we’re not taking it anymore?

Look out bullies; the taxpaying citizens are tired of your stuff. Come November; you are out of a job.

References; www.lni.wa.gov

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